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#1 02-10-2009 12:42:45

Builder Power
Award: bf
Lieu: 75019 paris
Date d'inscription: 21-05-2007
Messages: 1724
Pépites: 496,453,703,213
Banque: 9,223,372,036,854,776,000

Envoi d'un fax

Quelles sont les solutions qui existent pour envoyer des fax via une appli PB 9 ?
Quelles sont les contraintes ?
Avez vous les exemples de code ?...


Face à l'agression, la puissance de l'intelligence

Hors ligne


#2 02-10-2009 13:00:24

Lieu: Babylone
Date d'inscription: 23-11-2006
Messages: 5121
Pépites: 97,197
Banque: 2,147,483,647

Re: Envoi d'un fax


il y a un lien vers un sample codexchange dans le post

N'envoyez jamais un humain faire le travail d'un programme.

Hors ligne


#3 02-10-2009 15:01:25

Builder Power
Award: bf
Lieu: 75019 paris
Date d'inscription: 21-05-2007
Messages: 1724
Pépites: 496,453,703,213
Banque: 9,223,372,036,854,776,000

Re: Envoi d'un fax

Yes mais c'est en pb10 et je suis en pb9 !
je ne peux pas l'ouvrir ...

Face à l'agression, la puissance de l'intelligence

Hors ligne


#4 04-10-2009 15:41:48

Lieu: Babylone
Date d'inscription: 23-11-2006
Messages: 5121
Pépites: 97,197
Banque: 2,147,483,647

Re: Envoi d'un fax

Code: pb

$PBExportComments$Contains code related to working with faxes
global type u_nvo_fax from nonvisualobject
end type
end forward

global type u_nvo_fax from nonvisualobject
end type
global u_nvo_fax u_nvo_fax

type variables
// Useful constants

constant  integer    ii_VALIDATE_OK                  =  0
constant  integer    ii_VALIDATE_NULLFAXDOCUMENT        = -1
constant  integer    ii_VALIDATE_NORECIPIENT           = -2
constant  integer    ii_VALIDATE_NOFAXNUMBER           = -3
constant  integer    ii_VALIDATE_NOTHINGTOSEND        = -4
constant  integer    ii_VALIDATE_BODYFILENOTFOUND      = -5

constant boolean    ib_SUCCESS                    = TRUE
constant boolean    ib_FAILURE                      = FALSE

end variables

forward prototypes
private function boolean uf_connect_to_fax_server (string as_server_name, ref oleobject aole_fax_server)
public function boolean uf_send_fax (oleobject aole_fax_server, oleobject aole_fax_document, string as_fax_server, u_nvo_fax_document auo_fax_document)
public function boolean uf_send_fax (string as_fax_server, u_nvo_fax_document auo_fax_document)
public function boolean uf_send_fax_simple (string as_recipient_fax_number, string as_file_name)
public function boolean uf_is_fax_services_installed ()
private function integer uf_validate_fax_document (u_nvo_fax_document auo_fax_document)
end prototypes

private function boolean uf_connect_to_fax_server (string as_server_name, ref oleobject aole_fax_server);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//    Function:      uf_connect_to_fax_server
//    Description:    Connects to a fax server using fxscomex.dll
//              NOTE: Only tested on a Windows XP machine connecting to the local
//                        fax server, I don;t know how well it works on a remote server
//    Scope:      private
//    Arguments:    as_fax_server    (string    Remote server name, use "" for local machine)
//              aole_fax_server  (oleobject  Will contain the connected to fax server)
//    Returns:      boolean        (TRUE = Connected OK, FALSE = Connection failed)
//    Revision History:
//    Date        Author  Patch    Ref    Version    Description
//    ------        --------  -------    ----    ---------    ---------------------------------------
//    25.01.2007    AC      T00    TR7888  3.50.00    6.70.00 Created    
// See here for IFaxServer documentation:
//    http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms689110.aspx

// Since this is OLE stuff but not an activex control then we can't trap the events thrown by
// the objects, therefore I can't find a way of actually finding out the real error messages that
// may be produced. However with a try catch I can at least stop the code from aborting
  // First connect to the Fax Server service, this is installed via Windows Components in Add/Remove
  // Programs, and depends upon fxscomex.dll. It is obly available in Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server,
  // SBS 2000. I hope it will be available in Vista
  If aole_fax_server.ConnectToNewObject("FaxComEx.FaxServer")  <> 0 Then
    return ib_FAILURE
  End If
  // Now actually connect to the server
catch (throwable t)
  return ib_FAILURE
end try

return ib_SUCCESS
end function

public function boolean uf_send_fax (oleobject aole_fax_server, oleobject aole_fax_document, string as_fax_server, u_nvo_fax_document auo_fax_document);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//    Function:      uf_send_fax
//    Description:    Sends the fax document specified in auo_fax_document via the fax server
//              specified in as_fax_server
//              NOTE: In order to ensure proper DESTROYS of the OLE objects they are
//                   passed in by the caller, and destoyed by the caller when no longer required.
//                     There is an overloaded function that does the create and destroy for you.
//    Scope:      public
//    Arguments:    aole_fax_server    (oleobject  A created oleobject, nothing more nothing less)
//              aole_fax_document  (oleobject  A created oleobject, nothing more nothing less)
//              as_fax_server      (string    The name of the machine that has the fax server, "" for local)
//              auo_fax_document  (u_nvo_fax_document  The fax document to be sent)
//    Returns:      boolean          (TRUE = Sent OK, FALSE = Send failed)
//    Revision History:
//    Date        Author  Patch    Ref    Version    Description
//    ------        --------  -------    ----    ---------    ---------------------------------------
//    25.01.2007    AC      T00    TR7888  3.50.00    6.70.00 Created    

integer    li_ret
long      ll_index

// Need to verify there is the minimum required information here before continuing
If this.uf_validate_fax_document(auo_fax_document) <> 0 Then
  MessageBox("Fax Handler - Information", "The fax document is invalid and could not be sent.", StopSign!)
  return ib_FAILURE
End If

// Connect to the fax server
If this.uf_connect_to_fax_server(as_fax_server, aole_fax_server) = FALSE Then
   MessageBox("Fax Handler - Information", "Connection to the fax server failed.", StopSign!)
   return ib_FAILURE
End If

// Create a fax document OLE object
li_ret = aole_fax_document.ConnectToNewObject("FaxComEx.FaxDocument") 
If li_ret <> 0 Then
   MessageBox("Fax Handler - Information", "Unable to create a new FaxComEx.FaxDocument OLE object.", StopSign!)
  return ib_FAILURE
End If

// Fill-in the fax document details.
aole_fax_document.DocumentName         = auo_fax_document.is_document_name
aole_fax_document.CoverPageType         = auo_fax_document.ii_cover_page_type
aole_fax_document.CoverPage           = auo_fax_document.is_cover_page
aole_fax_document.Subject             = auo_fax_document.is_subject
aole_fax_document.Note               = auo_fax_document.is_note
aole_fax_document.Body               = auo_fax_document.is_body

// Who is sending the fax
aole_fax_document.Sender.Title           = auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_sender.is_title
aole_fax_document.Sender.Name         = auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_sender.is_name
aole_fax_document.Sender.Department       = auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_sender.is_department
aole_fax_document.Sender.Company       = auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_sender.is_company
aole_fax_document.Sender.OfficeLocation     = auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_sender.is_office_location
aole_fax_document.Sender.StreetAddress    = auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_sender.is_street_address
aole_fax_document.Sender.City           = auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_sender.is_city
aole_fax_document.Sender.Country         = auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_sender.is_country
aole_fax_document.Sender.ZipCode         = auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_sender.is_zip_code
aole_fax_document.Sender.Email          = auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_sender.is_email
aole_fax_document.Sender.FaxNumber       = auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_sender.is_fax_number
aole_fax_document.Sender.OfficePhone       = auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_sender.is_office_phone
aole_fax_document.Sender.HomePhone       = auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_sender.is_home_phone
aole_fax_document.Sender.BillingCode       = auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_sender.is_billing_code
aole_fax_document.Sender.TSID           = auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_sender.is_tsid

aole_fax_document.ReceiptType          = auo_fax_document.ii_receipt_type
aole_fax_document.ReceiptAddress        = auo_fax_document.is_receipt_address
aole_fax_document.AttachFaxToReceipt      = auo_fax_document.ib_attach_fax_to_receipt
aole_fax_document.GroupBroadcastReceipts  = auo_fax_document.ib_group_broadcast_receipts
aole_fax_document.Priority              = auo_fax_document.ii_priority

// Who is the fax going to (could be multiple different numbers)
for ll_index = 1 to UpperBound(auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_recipient)
  aole_fax_document.Recipients.Add(auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_recipient[ll_index].is_fax_number, auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_recipient[ll_index].is_name)

// Send the fax
catch (throwable t)
  MessageBox("Fax Handler - Information", "Unable to submit the fax to the fax server.", StopSign!)
  return ib_FAILURE
end try


return ib_SUCCESS
end function

public function boolean uf_send_fax (string as_fax_server, u_nvo_fax_document auo_fax_document);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//    Function:      uf_send_fax
//    Description:    Sends the fax document specified in auo_fax_document via the fax server
//              specified in as_fax_server
//    Scope:      public
//    Arguments:    as_fax_server      (string  The name of the machine that has the fax server, "" for local)
//              auo_fax_document  (u_nvo_fax_document  The fax document to be sent)
//    Returns:      boolean          (TRUE = Sent OK, FALSE = Send failed)
//    Revision History:
//    Date        Author  Patch    Ref    Version    Description
//    ------        --------  -------    ----    ---------    ---------------------------------------
//    25.01.2007    AC      T00    TR7888  3.50.00    6.70.00 Created    

boolean    lb_ret
oleobject    lole_fax_server, lole_fax_document

// Create the required OLE objects
lole_fax_server = CREATE oleobject
lole_fax_document = CREATE oleobject

// Call the function
lb_ret = this.uf_send_fax(lole_fax_server, lole_fax_document, as_fax_server, auo_fax_document)

// Clean up
DESTROY lole_fax_document
DESTROY lole_fax_server

return lb_ret
end function

public function boolean uf_send_fax_simple (string as_recipient_fax_number, string as_file_name);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//    Function:      uf_send_fax_simple
//    Description:    Sends a very simple fax requiring only minimal parameters.
//              Note: No cover page is included and no sender information is displayed anywhere
//              on the fax. This may be illegal in some countries.
//    Scope:      public
//    Arguments:    as_recipient_fax_number  (string  The fax number you are sending to)
//              as_file_name          (string  The file you wish to fax)
//    Returns:      boolean              (TRUE = Success, FALSE = Failure)
//    Revision History:
//    Date        Author  Patch    Ref    Version    Description
//    ------        --------  -------    ----    ---------    ---------------------------------------
//    25.01.2007    AC      T00    TR7888  3.50.00    6.70.00 Created    

boolean      lb_ret

u_nvo_fax_document    luo_fax_document
u_nvo_fax_recipient    luo_fax_recipient

// Set up the fax document object
luo_fax_document.is_body = as_file_name
luo_fax_recipient.is_fax_number = as_recipient_fax_number
luo_fax_document.iuo_fax_recipient[1] = luo_fax_recipient

// Create the required OLE objects
// Send the fax using the newly created fax document
lb_ret = this.uf_send_fax("", luo_fax_document)

// Clean up
return lb_ret

end function

public function boolean uf_is_fax_services_installed ();//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//    Function:      uf_is_fax_services_installed
//    Description:    Test to see if the windows fax services are installed on this PC
//    Scope:      public
//    Returns:      boolean      (TRUE = Yes, installed - FALSE = No, not installed)
//    Revision History:
//    Date        Author  Patch    Ref    Version    Description
//    ------        --------  -------    ----    ---------    ---------------------------------------
//    26.01.2007    AC      T00    TR7888  3.50.00    6.70.00 Created    

OleObject  lole_fax_server

// Try connecting to the FaxServer
lole_fax_server = CREATE OleObject 
If lole_fax_server.ConnectToNewObject("FaxComEx.FaxServer")  <> 0 Then
  return ib_FAILURE
End If

return ib_SUCCESS
end function

private function integer uf_validate_fax_document (u_nvo_fax_document auo_fax_document);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//    Function:      uf_validate_fax_document
//    Description:    Ensure the minimum amount of information required to send a fax has been
//              entered into the fax document object
//    Scope:      private
//    Arguments:    auo_fax_document    (u_nvo_fax_document  The document to be faxed)
//    Returns:      integer            (TRUE = Valid, FALSE = Invalid)
//    Revision History:
//    Date        Author  Patch    Ref    Version    Description
//    ------        --------  -------    ----    ---------    ---------------------------------------
//    26.01.2007    AC      T00    TR7888  3.50.00    6.70.00 Created    

long    ll_index

// Has the fax document been instantiated?
If IsValid(auo_fax_document) = FALSE Then
End If

// Have any recipients been added to the fax document?
If UpperBound(auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_recipient) <= 0 Then
End If

// Has something been entered into the fax numbers?
for ll_index = 1 to UpperBound(auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_recipient)
  If IsNull(auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_recipient[ll_index].is_fax_number) or Trim(auo_fax_document.iuo_fax_recipient[ll_index].is_fax_number) = "" Then
  End If

// If there is not coverpage, then there had better be a body file or there's nothing to send
If auo_fax_document.ii_cover_page_type = auo_fax_document.ii_COVERPAGETYPE_NONE Then
  If IsNull(auo_fax_document.is_body) or Trim(auo_fax_document.is_body) = "" Then
  End If
End If

// If there's a body file, does it exist?
If not IsNull(auo_fax_document.is_body) and Trim(auo_fax_document.is_body) <> "" Then
  If FileExists(auo_fax_document.is_body) = FALSE Then
  End If
End If

return ii_VALIDATE_OK
end function

on u_nvo_fax.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on u_nvo_fax.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on

event constructor;// This object allows the sending of faxes from Windows XP machines provided they have the following:
// 1. An internal/external modem that is installed in Windows with the correct drivers
// 2. Fax Services are installed. This is a Windows component installation
// Once fax services are installed then the following must exist on the PC:
// 1. <windir>\System32\fxscomex.dll exists
// 2. HKLM\Software\Classes\FaxComEx.FaxServer should exist in the registry
// This object has only been tested on a local fax server, i.e. connecting to the local machine.
// In theory it should be able to connect to a remote fax server. Some of the available options
// do not work on a local server, unfortunately I do not knwo how to get the OLE error codes
// and only receive a general application error when the wrong setting is set so it's very hard
// to work out what can and can't be done and why.
// Things I know don't work on a local fax server:
// 1. Receipts don't appear to work
// 2. Setting CoverPageType to local doesn't appear to work
// 3. Using parenthesis doesn't work in many fields
// Once a fax has been sent Windows will use the in-built Fax Console to manage the queueing. You will
// be able to track the progress of the faxes here. It automatically keeps a list of queued faxes, a list of
// sent faxes and shows any faxes that have failed.
// Redial attempts and time between redials can be configured from Control Panel | Phone and Modem Options
// Cover pages can be designed using the in-built Cover Page Designer from the Fax Console
end event

Code: pb

global type u_nvo_fax_document from nonvisualobject
end type
end forward

global type u_nvo_fax_document from nonvisualobject autoinstantiate
end type

type variables
// As of 2007/01/24 the IFaxDocument definition can be found here:
//     http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms685960.aspx

// NOTE: If the fax server is running on Windows XP then only SERVER is valid, other settings will
//           produce an application error
constant  integer  ii_COVERPAGETYPE_NONE    = 0
constant  integer  ii_COVERPAGETYPE_LOCAL    = 1
constant  integer  ii_COVERPAGETYPE_SERVER  = 2

// NOTE: If the fax server is running on Windows XP then only NONE is valid, other settings will
//           produce an application error
constant  integer  ii_RECEIPTTYPE_NONE      = 0
constant  integer  ii_RECEIPTTYPE_EMAIL      = 1
constant  integer  ii_RECEIPTTYPE_MSGBOX    = 4

constant  integer  ii_PRIORITY_LOW          = 0
constant  integer  ii_PRIORITY_NORMAL        = 1
constant  integer  ii_PRIORITY_HIGH          = 2

// User friendly document name, this shows in the fax queue allowing the user
// to identify which queued fax is which
string    is_document_name               = ""

// Subject field on cover page
string    is_subject                    = ""

// Specifies whether to include a cover page or not, and if one is to be included whether it is
// on the client or server relative to the fax service
integer  ii_cover_page_type              = ii_COVERPAGETYPE_NONE

// Specifies the file name, or UNC path, of a standard .cov cover page file
string    is_cover_page                  = "generic"            

// This is the note that is displayed on the cover page
string    is_note                      = ""

// An array of recipients, alllowing a single document to be sent to multiple recipients
u_nvo_fax_recipient    iuo_fax_recipient[]

// Details about the sender of this document
u_nvo_fax_sender      iuo_fax_sender

// The file name of the file we are faxing, it must be a file that can be printed by right-clicking it
// and selecting Print from the menu in explorer on the client machine. If print does not exist
// in the menu then that file type can not be faxed
string    is_body                      = ""

// Some fax systems can inform the user when the fax is successfully sent via email or a MsgBox
integer  ii_receipt_type                  = ii_RECEIPTTYPE_NONE

// If is_receipt_type is email then this is the email address
string    is_receipt_address                = ""

// Attach the body of the fax to the receipt email if one is requested
boolean  ib_attach_fax_to_receipt            = FALSE

// Specifies whether a single receipt (FALSE) for each fax sent in a group broadcast is sent or
// a summary receipt is sent (TRUE)
boolean  ib_group_broadcast_receipts        = FALSE

integer  ii_priority                    = ii_PRIORITY_LOW

end variables

on u_nvo_fax_document.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on u_nvo_fax_document.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on

Code: pb

global type u_nvo_fax_recipient from nonvisualobject
end type
end forward

global type u_nvo_fax_recipient from nonvisualobject autoinstantiate
end type

type variables
// As of 2007/01/24 the IFaxRecipient definition can be found here:
//     http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms689573.aspx

// Recipient Name
string      is_name              = ""

// Recipient Fax Number, include any number to dial outside lines etc.
string      is_fax_number          = ""
end variables

on u_nvo_fax_recipient.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on u_nvo_fax_recipient.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on

Code: pb

global type u_nvo_fax_sender from nonvisualobject
end type
end forward

global type u_nvo_fax_sender from nonvisualobject autoinstantiate
end type

type variables
// Lots of information pointing to the fax sender.
// NOTE: In some countries some of these fields may be legally required on a fax
string    is_TSID           = ""
string    is_title           = ""
string    is_name           = ""
string    is_department       = ""
string    is_company       = ""
string    is_office_location     = ""
string    is_street_address     = ""
string    is_city           = ""
string    is_state           = ""
string    is_country         = ""
string    is_zip_code         = ""
string    is_email           = ""
string    is_fax_number       = ""
string    is_home_phone     = ""
string    is_office_phone     = ""
string    is_billing_code       = ""

end variables

on u_nvo_fax_sender.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on u_nvo_fax_sender.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on

Code: pb

global type u_nvo_pdf from nonvisualobject
end type
end forward

global type u_nvo_pdf from nonvisualobject
end type
global u_nvo_pdf u_nvo_pdf

forward prototypes
public function boolean uf_create_pdf (datawindow adw, string as_pdf_file_name, boolean ab_overwrite_existing)
public function boolean uf_create_pdf (datastore ads, string as_pdf_file_name, boolean ab_overwrite_existing)
end prototypes

public function boolean uf_create_pdf (datawindow adw, string as_pdf_file_name, boolean ab_overwrite_existing);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//    Function:      uf_create_pdf
//    Description:    Create a PDF file from the passed datawindow.
//              NOTE: If you have filtered the datawindow only the filter rows appear in the
//                PDF (which in my opinion is very useful)
//    Scope:      public
//    Arguments:    adw              (datawindow  Should contain the data to be written to a PDF)
//              as_pdf_file_name      (string      The pdf file we are writing to)
//              ab_overwrite_existing  (boolean      If TRUE we will just overwrite an existing file)
//    Returns:      boolean            (TRUE = Success, FALSE = Failure)
//    Revision History:
//    Date        Author  Patch    Ref    Version    Description
//    ------        --------  -------    ----    ---------    ---------------------------------------
//    26.01.2007    AC      T00    TR7888  3.50.00    6.70.00 Created    
// NOTE: If changes are made here please check the other uf_create_pdf function in case the changes also need to be made there

string    ls_current_printer
boolean  lb_success = TRUE

If ab_overwrite_existing = FALSE Then
  If FileExists(as_pdf_file_name) Then
    MessageBox("PDF Writer - Information", "File " + as_pdf_file_name + " already exists, unable to create PDF file.", StopSign!)
    return FALSE
  End If
End If

// Get the current printer as we need to set it back again at the end of this function
ls_current_printer = adw.Describe ( "Datawindow.Printer" )

// Set the printer to the one installed by Powerbuilder's PDF fucntionality
adw.Modify("Datawindow.Printer='Sybase Datawindow PS'" )

// Specify the PDF creation method
adw.Modify("Datawindow.Export.PDF.Method=Distill!" )

// Save the passed datawindow as a PDF to the passed file name
If adw.saveas(as_pdf_file_name, PDF!, False) <> 1 Then
  MessageBox("PDF Writer - Information", "Unable to create PDF file " + as_pdf_file_name + ".", StopSign!)
  lb_success = FALSE
End If  

// Set the printer back to the original one
adw.Modify("Datawindow.Printer='" + ls_current_printer + "'" )

return lb_success
end function

public function boolean uf_create_pdf (datastore ads, string as_pdf_file_name, boolean ab_overwrite_existing);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//    Function:      uf_create_pdf
//    Description:    Create a PDF file from the passed datastore.
//              NOTE: If you have filtered the datastore only the filter rows appear in the
//                PDF (which in my opinion is very useful)
//    Scope:      public
//    Arguments:    ads              (datastore  Should contain the data to be written to a PDF)
//              as_pdf_file_name      (string    The pdf file we are writing to)
//              ab_overwrite_existing  (boolean    If TRUE we will just overwrite an existing file)
//    Returns:      boolean            (TRUE = Success, FALSE = Failure)
//    Revision History:
//    Date        Author  Patch    Ref    Version    Description
//    ------        --------  -------    ----    ---------    ---------------------------------------
//    26.01.2007    AC      T00    TR7888  3.50.00    6.70.00 Created    
// NOTE: If changes are made here please check the other uf_create_pdf function in case the changes also need to be made there

string    ls_current_printer
boolean  lb_success = TRUE

If ab_overwrite_existing = FALSE Then
  If FileExists(as_pdf_file_name) Then
    MessageBox("PDF Writer - Information", "File " + as_pdf_file_name + " already exists, unable to create PDF file.", StopSign!)
    return FALSE
  End If
End If

// Get the current printer as we need to set it back again at the end of this function
ls_current_printer = ads.Describe ( "Datawindow.Printer" )

// Set the printer to the one installed by Powerbuilder's PDF fucntionality
ads.Modify("Datawindow.Printer='Sybase Datawindow PS'" )

// Specify the PDF creation method
ads.Modify("Datawindow.Export.PDF.Method=Distill!" )

// Save the passed datawindow as a PDF to the passed file name
If ads.saveas(as_pdf_file_name, PDF!, False) <> 1 Then
  MessageBox("PDF Writer - Information", "Unable to create PDF file " + as_pdf_file_name + ".", StopSign!)
  lb_success = FALSE
End If  

// Set the printer back to the original one
ads.Modify("Datawindow.Printer='" + ls_current_printer + "'" )

return lb_success
end function

on u_nvo_pdf.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on u_nvo_pdf.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on

Code: pb

global type w_fax_tester from window
end type
type st_1 from statictext within w_fax_tester
end type
type em_fax_number from editmask within w_fax_tester
end type
type cb_fax_simple from commandbutton within w_fax_tester
end type
type cb_print from commandbutton within w_fax_tester
end type
type cb_filter from commandbutton within w_fax_tester
end type
type cb_pdf from commandbutton within w_fax_tester
end type
type st_os from statictext within w_fax_tester
end type
type dw_1 from datawindow within w_fax_tester
end type
type cb_fax from commandbutton within w_fax_tester
end type
end forward

global type w_fax_tester from window
integer width = 2203
integer height = 1848
boolean titlebar = true
string title = "Untitled"
boolean controlmenu = true
boolean minbox = true
boolean maxbox = true
boolean resizable = true
long backcolor = 67108864
string icon = "AppIcon!"
boolean center = true
st_1 st_1
em_fax_number em_fax_number
cb_fax_simple cb_fax_simple
cb_print cb_print
cb_filter cb_filter
cb_pdf cb_pdf
st_os st_os
dw_1 dw_1
cb_fax cb_fax
end type
global w_fax_tester w_fax_tester

type prototypes
Function long ShellExecuteA (ulong hWnd, string Operation, string lpFile, string lpParameters, string lpDirectory, long nShowCmd) library "shell32.dll" alias for "ShellExecuteA;Ansi" 
end prototypes

type variables
string      is_pdf_file_name = "C:\tmp\dwtest.pdf"
end variables

forward prototypes
public function integer wf_execute_file (string as_file)
public function boolean wf_is_windows_fax_services_installed ()
public function boolean wf_is_powerbuilder_pdf_handler_installed ()
public function boolean wf_is_os_at_least_xp ()
end prototypes

public function integer wf_execute_file (string as_file);// Same a double-clicking the file in Windows Explorer
// See the Local External Functions for the Win32 stuff

Long    ll_rc
String    ls_null

SetNull( ls_null )
ll_rc = ShellExecuteA ( Handle(this), "open", as_file + Char(0), ls_null, ls_null, 1) 

return 0
end function

public function boolean wf_is_windows_fax_services_installed ();// Checks to see if the fax services have been installed
boolean      lb_ret
u_nvo_fax    luo_fax

luo_fax = CREATE u_nvo_fax

lb_ret = luo_fax.uf_is_fax_services_installed()

DESTROY luo_fax

return lb_ret
end function

public function boolean wf_is_powerbuilder_pdf_handler_installed ();// Checks to see if Ghostscript PDF handler has been installed
string    ls_dummy[]

// Note: This registry key may change in PB11
If RegistryKeys ( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GNU Ghostscript" , ls_dummy ) > -1 Then
  return FALSE
End If

return TRUE
end function

public function boolean wf_is_os_at_least_xp ();// Checks to see if the OS on the PC is at least Windows XP
environment    le_env

GetEnvironment( le_env )
If le_env.osmajorrevision >= 5 and le_env.osminorrevision >= 1 Then
  return TRUE
  return FALSE
End If

end function

on w_fax_tester.create
this.st_1=create st_1
this.em_fax_number=create em_fax_number
this.cb_fax_simple=create cb_fax_simple
this.cb_print=create cb_print
this.cb_filter=create cb_filter
this.cb_pdf=create cb_pdf
this.st_os=create st_os
this.dw_1=create dw_1
this.cb_fax=create cb_fax
end on

on w_fax_tester.destroy
end on

event open;environment   le_env
long    ll_loop, ll_row

for ll_loop = 1 to 10
  ll_row = dw_1.InsertRow(0)

  dw_1.object.a_number[ll_row] = ll_row * 10000
  dw_1.object.a_string[ll_row] = "This is a test string"

If this.wf_is_os_at_least_xp() Then
  st_os.Text = "XP"
  st_os.Text = ""
  cb_fax.enabled = FALSE
  cb_fax_simple.enabled = FALSE
End If

end event

type st_1 from statictext within w_fax_tester
integer x = 635
integer y = 1612
integer width = 370
integer height = 64
integer textsize = -10
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Tahoma"
long textcolor = 33554432
long backcolor = 67108864
string text = "Fax Number:"
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type

type em_fax_number from editmask within w_fax_tester
integer x = 1015
integer y = 1588
integer width = 686
integer height = 112
integer taborder = 30
integer textsize = -10
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Tahoma"
long textcolor = 33554432
borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered!
maskdatatype maskdatatype = stringmask!
string mask = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
end type

type cb_fax_simple from commandbutton within w_fax_tester
integer x = 1728
integer y = 1588
integer width = 402
integer height = 112
integer taborder = 20
integer textsize = -10
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Tahoma"
string text = "Fax Simple"
end type

event clicked;// An example of a very simple fax, no sender information is displayed on the fax
// just the PDF contents

u_nvo_pdf    luo_pdf
u_nvo_fax    luo_fax
boolean      lb_ret

luo_pdf = CREATE u_nvo_pdf
lb_ret =luo_pdf.uf_create_pdf(dw_1, is_pdf_file_name, TRUE)
DESTROY u_nvo_pdf

If lb_ret = TRUE Then
  luo_fax = CREATE u_nvo_fax
  luo_fax.uf_send_fax_simple(em_fax_number.Text , is_pdf_file_name)
  DESTROY luo_fax
End If

end event

type cb_print from commandbutton within w_fax_tester
integer x = 887
integer y = 1456
integer width = 402
integer height = 112
integer taborder = 40
integer textsize = -10
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Tahoma"
string text = "Print"
end type

event clicked;// I use this to test printing to a PDF file (or a printer of course)
dw_1.Print(TRUE, TRUE)
end event

type cb_filter from commandbutton within w_fax_tester
integer x = 466
integer y = 1456
integer width = 402
integer height = 112
integer taborder = 30
integer textsize = -10
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Tahoma"
string text = "Filter"
end type

event clicked;// This is to test the PDF file is only created based on the contents of the Primary Buffer
dw_1.SetFilter("a_number > 60000")
end event

type cb_pdf from commandbutton within w_fax_tester
integer x = 1307
integer y = 1456
integer width = 402
integer height = 112
integer taborder = 20
integer textsize = -10
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Tahoma"
string text = "PDF"
end type

event clicked;// Create a PDF file from the datawindow and open it in the default PDF reader

u_nvo_pdf    luo_pdf
boolean      lb_ret

luo_pdf = CREATE u_nvo_pdf
lb_ret = luo_pdf.uf_create_pdf(dw_1, is_pdf_file_name, TRUE)
DESTROY u_nvo_pdf

If lb_ret = TRUE Then
End If
end event

type st_os from statictext within w_fax_tester
integer x = 27
integer y = 1456
integer width = 279
integer height = 132
integer textsize = -22
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Tahoma"
long textcolor = 33554432
long backcolor = 67108864
string text = "?"
alignment alignment = center!
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type

type dw_1 from datawindow within w_fax_tester
integer x = 14
integer width = 2107
integer height = 1424
integer taborder = 10
string title = "none"
string dataobject = "d_test"
boolean livescroll = true
borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered!
end type

type cb_fax from commandbutton within w_fax_tester
integer x = 1728
integer y = 1456
integer width = 402
integer height = 112
integer taborder = 10
integer textsize = -10
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Tahoma"
string text = "Fax"
end type

event clicked;// An example fax send

u_nvo_fax          luo_fax
u_nvo_fax_document    luo_fax_document
u_nvo_fax_sender      luo_fax_sender
u_nvo_fax_recipient    luo_fax_recipient

u_nvo_pdf    luo_pdf
boolean      lb_ret

// Create the PDF nvo and create a fax from the datawindow
luo_pdf = CREATE u_nvo_pdf
lb_ret = luo_pdf.uf_create_pdf(dw_1, is_pdf_file_name, TRUE)
DESTROY u_nvo_pdf

// If the PDF create failed then no need to continue
If lb_ret = FALSE Then
End IF

// Create the FAX nvo
luo_fax = CREATE u_nvo_fax

// Setup a test fax document with a coverpage  
luo_fax_document.is_document_name       = "Test Fax"
luo_fax_document.ii_cover_page_type       = luo_fax_document.ii_coverpagetype_server
luo_fax_document.is_cover_page           = "generic"
luo_fax_document.is_subject             = String(DateTime(Today(), Now()), "yyyy-mmm-dd hh:mm:ss") + " - Test fax for Aron Cox"
luo_fax_document.is_note               = "Please forward this fax to Aron Cox"
luo_fax_document.is_body              = is_pdf_file_name

luo_fax_sender.is_title                = "Mr."
luo_fax_sender.is_name               = "John Smith"
luo_fax_sender.is_department            = "Development"
luo_fax_sender.is_company              = "My Company"
luo_fax_sender.is_office_location          = "My Office"
luo_fax_sender.is_street_address          = "123, Any Street"
luo_fax_sender.is_city                = "My City"
luo_fax_sender.is_country              = "My Country"
luo_fax_sender.is_zip_code              = "My Postcode"
luo_fax_sender.is_email                = "me@myaddress.com"
luo_fax_sender.is_fax_number            = "1111111111"
luo_fax_sender.is_office_phone          = "2222222222"
luo_fax_sender.is_home_phone          = "3333333333"
luo_fax_sender.is_billing_code            = "BILL001"
luo_fax_sender.is_tsid                = "MyFaxMachine"
luo_fax_document.iuo_fax_sender          = luo_fax_sender

luo_fax_recipient.is_name              = "Jane Doe"
luo_fax_recipient.is_fax_number          = em_fax_number.Text
luo_fax_document.iuo_fax_recipient[1]      = luo_fax_recipient

// Send the fax
If luo_fax.uf_send_fax("", luo_fax_document) = FALSE Then
  MessageBox("Information", "Fax was not submitted.")
End If
DESTROY luo_fax
DESTROY luo_pdf
end event

Code: pb

release 10;
datawindow(units=0 timer_interval=0 color=16777215 processing=0 HTMLDW=no print.printername="" print.documentname="" print.orientation = 0 print.margin.left = 110 print.margin.right = 110 print.margin.top = 96 print.margin.bottom = 96 print.paper.source = 0 print.paper.size = 0 print.canusedefaultprinter=yes print.prompt=no print.buttons=no print.preview.buttons=no print.cliptext=no print.overrideprintjob=no print.collate=yes hidegrayline=no )
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htmltable(border="1" )
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N'envoyez jamais un humain faire le travail d'un programme.

Hors ligne


#5 05-10-2009 07:39:34

N2I Power
Award: bf
Lieu: Vanves
Date d'inscription: 05-06-2007
Messages: 1206
Pépites: 12,884,901,943
Banque: 9,223,372,036,854,776,000
Site web

Re: Envoi d'un fax

Bon ce n'est pas tout à fait la réponse à ta question, mais est-ce que ton appli tourne dans un environnement où il y a un serveur exchange ? Car dans ce cas le plus simple est de configurer exchange comme serveur de fax. Ensuite il suffit d'envoyer un mail au serveur avec le numéro de fax en destinataire... J'imagine que d'autres serveurs de messagerie savent le faire également.
L'énorme avantage de cette solution est de centraliser les envois (un seul modem sur le serveur) et de conserver une trace des envois sur le serveur.

Tu dois donc tu peux (Kant)

Tu peux donc tu dois (N2i)

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#6 05-10-2009 07:53:25

Builder Power
Award: bf
Lieu: 75019 paris
Date d'inscription: 21-05-2007
Messages: 1724
Pépites: 496,453,703,213
Banque: 9,223,372,036,854,776,000

Re: Envoi d'un fax

je vois cela et je vous reviens

Face à l'agression, la puissance de l'intelligence

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#7 06-10-2009 14:46:24

Membre Geek
Date d'inscription: 02-06-2008
Messages: 69
Pépites: 189
Banque: 0

Re: Envoi d'un fax

Suivant les besoins bien sur, il existe aussi des solutions toute faites sur internet qui ne coute pas trop cher.
Ces solutions permettent d'envoyer un fax à partir des pièce jointes d'un email.
Il suffit d'envoyer un email avec comme adresse le numéro de fax suivi de l'adresse du serveur.
Le gros avantage de ce genre de solution est que l'on a pas besoin de disposer d'un modem (pas toujours facile lorsqu'on a des config différentes chez chacun des clients). Bien sur ce genre de solution est recommandée à des personnes qui envoient des fax à l'occasion...
Pour une utilisation plus intensive, la procédure décrite précédemment s'impose...

Exemple: www.popfax.com

Bien à vous


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