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#1 22-05-2009 11:16:25

Date d'inscription: 17-05-2009
Messages: 4
Pépites: 33
Banque: 0

Tables internes PowerBuilder


Quelle est l'utilitié des tables système PB :


dans un contexte d'accès aux données DB2 Z/Os

Merci par avance

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#2 23-05-2009 06:17:34

Lieu: Babylone
Date d'inscription: 23-11-2006
Messages: 5121
Pépites: 97,197
Banque: 2,147,483,647

Re: Tables internes PowerBuilder

F1 a écrit:

About the extended attribute system tables

PowerBuilder stores application-based information you provide for a database table (such as the text to use for labels and headings for the columns, validation rules, display formats, and edit styles) in system tables in your database. These system tables are called the extended attribute system tables. The tables contain all the information related to the extended attributes for the tables and columns in the database. The extended attributes are used in DataWindow objects.

The system tables
There are five extended attribute system tables.

Table A-1: List of extended attribute system tables Table Contains information about
PBCatTbl Tables in the database
PBCatCol Columns in the database
PBCatFmt Display formats
PBCatVld Validation rules
PBCatEdt Edit styles

What to do with the tables
You can open and look at these tables in the Database painter just like other tables. You might want to create a report of the extended attribute information used in your database by building a DataWindow object whose data source is the extended attribute system tables.

Caution You should not change the values in the extended attribute system tables. PowerBuilder maintains this information automatically whenever you change information for a table or column in the Database painter.

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