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#1 10-05-2008 10:57:48

Lieu: Babylone
Date d'inscription: 23-11-2006
Messages: 5121
Pépites: 97,197
Banque: 2,147,483,647

[INFO] PB11 webform - Upgrade de version - Installer PBSHR110.DLL

J'ai eu ce problème,  PBSHR110.DLL est vérouillé par IIS :

PowerBuilder DLL locked by IIS

The PowerBuilder PBSHR110.DLL system library is locked by IIS when you run a Web Forms application. This prevents you from uninstalling PowerBuilder when PowerBuilder and IIS are installed on the same computer. To avoid disrupting other applications using the IIS server, PowerBuilder does not automatically shut down and restart the server. Even if the Web Forms application is run from a browser on a remote computer, you must shut down the server manually before you can uninstall PowerBuilder on the IIS server. [CR 441626]

Source : Release Bulletin PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2

Pour info, voici le genre d'erreur qu'on obtient lorsque la manip n'est pas faite :

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