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#26 13-07-2007 09:02:48

pick ouic  
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Re: [RESOLU] Recuperation d'informations systemes

recuperation du nom de domaine... à tester

Code: pb

Function ulong NetGetDCName( &
  char servername[], &
  char domainname[], &
  ref ulong bufptr &
  ) Library "netapi32.dll" Alias for "NetGetDCName"

creer ensuite 2 fonctions.

of_string_to_unicode (string as_string, ref character ac_unicode[]);// convert string to unicode char array

Code: pb

Integer li_loop, li_len, li_uni

li_len = Len(as_string)

FOR li_loop = 1 TO li_len
  li_uni = li_uni + 1
  ac_unicode[li_uni] = Mid(as_string, li_loop, 1)
  li_uni = li_uni + 1
  ac_unicode[li_uni] = Char(0)

li_uni = li_uni + 1
ac_unicode[li_uni] = Char(0)
li_uni = li_uni + 1
ac_unicode[li_uni] = Char(0)

function string of_unicode_to_string (unsignedlong aul_ptr);// get a string from a pointer to a unicode string

Code: pb

Char lc_byte
Integer li_loop
String ls_string

lc_byte = String(aul_ptr, "address")
DO WHILE Asc(lc_byte) > 0
  ls_string += String(lc_byte)
  li_loop = li_loop + 2
  lc_byte = String(aul_ptr + li_loop, "address")

Return ls_string

on lance le script...

Code: pb

String ls_dcname, ls_msg
ULong lul_result, lul_bufptr
Char lc_server[], lc_domain[]

// convert arguments to unicode
of_string_to_unicode("", lc_server)
of_string_to_unicode("", lc_domain)

// call function to get DC name
lul_result = NetGetDCName(lc_server, lc_domain, lul_bufptr)

If lul_result = 0 Then
  // get string from buffer
  ls_dcname = of_unicode_to_string(lul_bufptr)
  // free buffer
End If

messagebox ("Nom de domaine",ls_dcname)

Connaitre son ignorance est une grande part de la connaissance.

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