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#26 03-02-2014 16:27:15

Sylvie de hannut  
Membre completement Geek
Lieu: Hannut (Belgique)
Date d'inscription: 10-06-2011
Messages: 123
Pépites: 499
Banque: 0

Re: [RESOLU] Problème avec le slide up sous pb 9.0.3 [enfin ... contourné]

Données de ma DW :


71.10.16 294-11  DE PAPE   SYLVIE BRIGITTE                                                                                                                                                      
    Mutualité :    500  527                                                                                                                            2                  
            Droit au remboursement :  500  Oui                                                                                                                        3                
                  Ct1 / Ct2 :    527  110  110  28/01/2014  31/12/2014                                                                                                            4              
                                Tiers payant :  500  Non                                                                                                        5            
                                      Maximum à facturer :  Oui                                                                                                      6          
                                                      Maison médicale :  Oui                                                                                        7        
                                                                      Intervention majorée :  Oui                                                                          8      
                                                                                    Dossier médical global :  Oui                                                                9  
                                                                                            Statut assurance soins de santé :        false  Oui              Oui        527  110  110  28/01/2014  31/12/2014                    10

Hors ligne


#27 03-02-2014 16:31:11

Sylvie de hannut  
Membre completement Geek
Lieu: Hannut (Belgique)
Date d'inscription: 10-06-2011
Messages: 123
Pépites: 499
Banque: 0

Re: [RESOLU] Problème avec le slide up sous pb 9.0.3 [enfin ... contourné]

Syntax : (1ère partie)

Code: pb

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text(name=maf_org_3_t visible="1  if ( trim (  maf_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(maf_row) and maf_org_3 <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="699" y="640  244" height="48" width="538" text="Organisme assureur : " )
text(name=mais_dr_t visible="1  if ( trim (mais_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(mais_row) and mais_dr <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="699" y="736  84" height="48" width="538" text="Docteur : " )
column(name=mais_kine visible="1  if ( trim (mais_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(mais_row) and mais_kine <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=31 x="1258" y="784  164" height="48" width="88" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=mais_dfin_t visible="1  if ( trim (mais_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(mais_row) and mais_dfin <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="1368" y="784  164" height="48" width="538" text="Date de fin : " )
column(name=mais_dfin visible="1  if ( trim (mais_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(mais_row) and mais_dfin <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=34 x="1927" y="784  164" height="48" width="293" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=yes edit.autoselect=yes edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
column(name=mais_nurse visible="1  if ( trim (mais_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(mais_row) and mais_nurse <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=32 x="1258" y="832  244" height="48" width="88" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=mais_org_t visible="1  if ( trim (mais_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(mais_row) and mais_org <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="1368" y="832  244" height="48" width="538" text="Organisme assureur : " )
column(name=mais_org visible="1  if ( trim (mais_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(mais_row) and mais_org <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=35 x="1927" y="832  244" height="48" width="293" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=yes edit.autoselect=yes edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=mais_kine_t visible="1  if ( trim (mais_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(mais_row) and mais_kine <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="699" y="784  164" height="48" width="538" text="Kiné : " )
text(name=mais_nurse_t visible="1  if ( trim (mais_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(mais_row) and mais_nurse <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="699" y="832  244" height="48" width="538" text="Infirmière : " )
column(name=interv_droit visible="1  if ( trim (interv_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(interv_row), 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=37 x="369" y="928  84" height="48" width="154" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=interv_ddeb_t visible="1  if ( trim (interv_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(interv_row) and interv_ddeb <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="699" y="928  84" height="48" width="538" text="Date de début : " )
column(name=interv_ddeb visible="1  if ( trim (interv_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(interv_row), 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=38 x="1258" y="928  84" height="48" width="293" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=yes edit.autoselect=yes edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=interv_dfin_t visible="1  if ( trim (interv_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(interv_row) and interv_dfin <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="1576" y="928  84" height="48" width="329" text="Date de fin : " )
column(name=interv_dfin visible="1  if ( trim (interv_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(interv_row), 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=39 x="1927" y="928  84" height="48" width="293" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=yes edit.autoselect=yes edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=interv_droit_t visible="1  if ( trim (interv_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(interv_row) and interv_droit <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="4" y="928  84" height="48" width="318" text="Sans droit : " )
column(name=assur_c_val visible="1  if ( trim (assur_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(assur_row), 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=42 x="369" y="1024  84" height="48" width="154" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=assur_c_org_t visible="1  if ( trim (assur_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(assur_row) and assur_c_org <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="699" y="1024  84" height="48" width="538" text="Organisme assureur : " )
column(name=assur_c_org visible="1  if ( trim (assur_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(assur_row), 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=41 x="1258" y="1024  84" height="48" width="88" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=yes edit.autoselect=yes edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=assur_c_val_t visible="1  if ( trim (assur_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(assur_row) and assur_c_val <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="4" y="1024  84" height="48" width="318" text="Sans droit : " )
column(name=dmg_droit visible="1  if ( trim (dmg_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(dmg_row), 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=44 x="369" y="1120  84" height="48" width="154" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=dmg_org_t visible="1  if ( trim (dmg_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(dmg_row) and dmg_org <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="699" y="1120  84" height="48" width="538" text="Organisme assureur : " )
column(name=dmg_org visible="1  if ( trim (dmg_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(dmg_row), 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=46 x="1258" y="1120  84" height="48" width="88" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=yes edit.autoselect=yes edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=dmg_inami_t visible="1  if ( trim (dmg_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(dmg_row) and dmg_inami <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="1368" y="1120  84" height="48" width="538" text="Inami medecin :" )
column(name=dmg_inami visible="1  if ( trim (dmg_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(dmg_row), 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=45 x="1927" y="1120  84" height="48" width="293" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=yes edit.autoselect=yes edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=dmg_droit_t visible="1  if ( trim (dmg_titre) <> '' and getrow() = integer(dmg_row) and dmg_droit <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="4" y="1120  84" height="48" width="318" text="Sans droit : " )

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#28 03-02-2014 16:32:15

Sylvie de hannut  
Membre completement Geek
Lieu: Hannut (Belgique)
Date d'inscription: 10-06-2011
Messages: 123
Pépites: 499
Banque: 0

Re: [RESOLU] Problème avec le slide up sous pb 9.0.3 [enfin ... contourné]

Syntax (2ème partie)

Code: pb

text(name=sfd_maf_titre visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and ( sfd_maf_droit  <> '' or sfd_maf_org_1 <> ''), 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" font.underline="1" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="0" border="0" x="18" y="1312  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',244,164) , if (sfd_tiers <> '',164,84)),2086)

if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
     if ( sfd_tiers <> '' ,integer ( describe ( 'sfd_tiers.y') ) + 80 , 
         if (sfd_droit <>'', integer ( describe ( 'sfd_droit.y') ) + 80 ,84 )),2086)*/

244" height="48" width="505" text="Maximum à facturer  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and ( sfd_maf_droit  <> '' or sfd_maf_org_1 <> ''), 'Maximum à facturer' , '' ) " )
text(name=sfd_int_titre visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and ( sfd_int_droit <> '' or sfd_int_ddeb <> ''), 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" font.underline="1" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="0" border="0" x="22" y="1504  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',
        if ( sfd_maf_droit  <> '' or   sfd_maf_org_1 <>'',
            if ( sfd_maf_org_2 <> '',
                if ( sfd_maf_org_3  <> '' ,564,484) ,
                 404) ,
              324) ,
           244) , 

564" height="48" width="541" text="Intervention majorée  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and ( sfd_int_droit <> '' or sfd_int_ddeb <> ''), 'Intervention majorée' , '' ) " )
text(name=sfd_ct_titre visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and (sfd_ct_droit <> '' or  sfd_ct_mut  <> ''), 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" font.underline="1" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="0" border="0" x="18" y="1600  724" height="48" width="464" text="CT1 / CT2" )
column(name=mut_titre visible="1  if ( trim (  mut_titre ) <> '' , 1 , 0 )" band=detail id=3 x="7" y="64  10" height="48" width="3200" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=yes edit.autoselect=yes edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="700" font.underline="1" tabsequence=0 )
column(name=remb_titre visible="1  if ( trim (  remb_titre ) <> '' , 1 , 0 )" band=detail id=7 x="7" y="160  10" height="48" width="3200" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=yes edit.autoselect=yes edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="700" font.underline="1" tabsequence=0 )
column(name=ct_titre visible="1  if ( trim ( ct_titre ) <> '' , 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=10 x="4" y="256  10" height="48" width="3200" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=yes edit.autoselect=yes edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="700" font.underline="1" tabsequence=0 )
column(name=tiers_titre visible="1  if ( trim (  tiers_titre ) <> '' , 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=17 x="4" y="400  10" height="48" width="3200" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=yes edit.autoselect=yes edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="700" font.underline="1" tabsequence=0 )
column(name=maf_titre visible="1  if ( trim (  maf_titre ) <> '' , 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=20 x="4" y="496  10" height="48" width="3200" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="700" font.underline="1" tabsequence=0 )
column(name=mais_titre visible="1  if ( trim (  mais_titre ) <> '' , 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=28 x="4" y="688  10" height="48" width="3200" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="700" font.underline="1" tabsequence=0 )
column(name=interv_titre visible="1  if ( trim (  interv_titre ) <> '' , 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=36 x="4" y="880  10" height="48" width="3200" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="700" font.underline="1" tabsequence=0 )
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column(name=mut_droit visible="1  if ( trim (  mut_titre ) <> ''  and getrow() = integer(mut_row), 1 , 0 )" band=detail id=4 x="369" y="112  84" height="48" width="154" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
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column(name=mut_org visible="1  if ( trim (  mut_titre ) <> ''  and getrow() = integer(mut_row), 1 , 0 )" band=detail id=5 x="1258" y="112  84" height="48" width="88" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=yes edit.autoselect=yes edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
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column(name=mut_mut visible="1  if ( trim (  mut_titre ) <> ''  and getrow() = integer(mut_row), 1 , 0 )" band=detail id=6 x="1927" y="112  84" height="48" width="88" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=yes edit.autoselect=yes edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
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column(name=remb_val visible="1  if ( trim (  remb_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(remb_row), 1 , 0 )" band=detail id=9 x="369" y="208  84" height="48" width="154" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
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column(name=remb_org visible="1  if ( trim (  remb_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(remb_row), 1 , 0 )" band=detail id=8 x="1258" y="208  84" height="48" width="88" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=yes edit.autoselect=yes edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
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column(name=ct_droit visible="1  if ( trim (ct_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(ct_row), 1 , 0 )" band=detail id=11 x="369" y="304  84" height="48" width="154" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
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text(name=ct_ct2_t visible="1  if ( trim (ct_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(ct_row) and ct_ct2 <> '', 1 , 0 )" band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="2037" y="304  84" height="48" width="538" text="CT 2 : " )
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column(name=tiers_org visible="1  if ( trim (  tiers_titre ) <> ''  and getrow() =integer(tiers_row), 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=18 x="1258" y="448  84" height="48" width="88" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=yes edit.autoselect=yes edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
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column(name=maf_droit visible="1  if ( trim (  maf_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(maf_row) , 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=21 x="369" y="544  84" height="48" width="154" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=maf_org_1_t visible="1  if ( trim (  maf_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(maf_row) and maf_org_1 <> '' , 1 , 0 ) " band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="699" y="544  84" height="48" width="538" text="Organisme assureur : " )
column(name=maf_org_1 visible="1  if ( trim (  maf_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(maf_row) , 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=23 x="1258" y="544  84" height="48" width="88" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=yes edit.autoselect=yes edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=maf_an_1_t visible="1  if ( trim (  maf_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(maf_row) and maf_an_1 <> '' , 1 , 0 ) " band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="1368" y="544  84" height="48" width="538" text="Année : " )
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column(name=sfd_droit visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_droit <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=48 x="369" y="1216  84" height="48" width="154" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
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column(name=sfd_noremb_org visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_noremb_org <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=49 x="1258" y="1216  84" height="48" width="88" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=sfd_noremb_mut_t visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_noremb_mut <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="1368" y="1216  84" height="48" width="538" text="Mutualité :  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_noremb_mut <> '', 'Mutualité : ' , '' ) " )
column(name=sfd_noremb_mut visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_noremb_mut <> '', 1 , 0 ) " band=detail id=50 x="1927" y="1216  84" height="48" width="88" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=sfd_tiers_t visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_tiers <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="4" y="1264  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row), 
   if ( sfd_droit <> '' , 164,84), 2006)*/
164" height="48" width="336" text="Tiers payant :   if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_tiers <> '', 'Tiers payant : ' , '' ) " )
column(name=sfd_tiers visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_tiers <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail id=51 x="369" y="1264  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row), 
   if ( sfd_droit <> '' , 164,84), 2006)*/
164" height="48" width="154" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=sfd_maf_droit_t visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_droit <> '', 1 , 0 )" moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="0" y="1360  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( 'sfd_maf_titre.y') ) + 80,2166)

if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',324,244) , if (sfd_tiers <> '',244,164)),2166)*/

324" height="48" width="318" text="Sans droit :   if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_droit <> '', 'Sans droit : ' , '' ) " )
column(name=sfd_maf_droit visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_droit <> '', 1 , 0 )" moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail id=52 x="369" y="1360  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( 'sfd_maf_titre.y') ) + 80,2166)

if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',324,244) , if (sfd_tiers <> '',244,164)),2166)*/

324" height="48" width="154" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=sfd_maf_org_1_t visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_org_1 <> '', 1 , 0 )" moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="699" y="1360  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( 'sfd_maf_titre.y') ) + 80,2166)

if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',324,244) , if (sfd_tiers <> '',244,164)),2166)*/

324" height="48" width="538" text="Organisme assureur :   if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_org_1 <> '', 'Organisme assureur : ' , '') " )
column(name=sfd_maf_org_1 visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_org_1 <> '', 1 , 0 )" moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail id=54 x="1258" y="1360  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( 'sfd_maf_titre.y') ) + 80,2166)

if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',324,244) , if (sfd_tiers <> '',244,164)),2166)*/

324" height="48" width="88" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=sfd_maf_an_1_t visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_an_1 <> '', 1 , 0 )" moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="1364" y="1360  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( 'sfd_maf_titre.y') ) + 80,2166)

if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',324,244) , if (sfd_tiers <> '',244,164)),2166)*/

324" height="48" width="538" text="Année :   if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_an_1 <> '', 'Année : ' , '' ) " )
column(name=sfd_maf_an_1 visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_an_1 <> '', 1 , 0 )" moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail id=53 x="1931" y="1360  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( 'sfd_maf_titre.y') ) + 80,2166)

if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',324,244) , if (sfd_tiers <> '',244,164)),2166)*/

324" height="48" width="124" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=sfd_maf_org_2_t visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_org_2 <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="699" y="1408  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( ' sfd_maf_org_1.y') ) + 80,2246)

if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',404,324) , if (sfd_tiers <> '',324,244)),2246)*/

" height="48" width="538" text="Organisme assureur :   if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_org_2 <> '', 'Organisme assureur : ' , '') " )
column(name=sfd_maf_org_2 visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_org_2 <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail id=56 x="1258" y="1408  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( ' sfd_maf_org_1.y') ) + 80,2246)

if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',404,324) , if (sfd_tiers <> '',324,244)),2246)*/

" height="48" width="88" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=sfd_maf_an_2_t visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_an_2 <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="1368" y="1408  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( ' sfd_maf_org_1.y') ) + 80,2246)

if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',404,324) , if (sfd_tiers <> '',324,244)),2246)*/

" height="48" width="538" text="Année :   if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_an_2 <> '', 'Année : ' , '' ) " )
column(name=sfd_maf_an_2 visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_an_2 <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail id=55 x="1927" y="1408  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( ' sfd_maf_org_1.y') ) + 80,2246)

if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',404,324) , if (sfd_tiers <> '',324,244)),2246)*/

" height="48" width="124" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=sfd_maf_org_3_t visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_org_3 <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="702" y="1456  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( ' sfd_maf_org_2.y') ) + 80,2326)

if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',484,404) , if (sfd_tiers <> '',404,324)),2326)*/

484" height="48" width="538" text="Organisme assureur :   if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_org_3 <> '', 'Organisme assureur : ' , '') " )
column(name=sfd_maf_org_3 visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_org_3 <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail id=58 x="1258" y="1456  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( ' sfd_maf_org_2.y') ) + 80,2326)

if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',484,404) , if (sfd_tiers <> '',404,324)),2326)*/

484" height="48" width="88" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=sfd_maf_an_3_t visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_an_3 <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="1368" y="1456  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( ' sfd_maf_org_2.y') ) + 80,2326)

if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',484,404) , if (sfd_tiers <> '',404,324)),2326)*/

484" height="48" width="538" text="Année :   if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_an_3 <> '', 'Année : ' , '' ) " )
column(name=sfd_maf_an_3 visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_maf_an_3 <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail id=57 x="1927" y="1456  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( ' sfd_maf_org_2.y') ) + 80,2326)

if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',484,404) , if (sfd_tiers <> '',404,324)),2326)*/

484" height="48" width="124" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=sfd_int_droit_t visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_int_droit <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="4" y="1552  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',
        if ( sfd_maf_droit  <> '' or   sfd_maf_org_1 <>'',
            if ( sfd_maf_org_2 <> '',
                if ( sfd_maf_org_3  <> '' ,644,564) ,
                 484) ,
              404) ,
           324) , 

644" height="48" width="318" text="Sans droit :   if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_int_droit <> '', 'Sans droit : ' , '' ) " )
column(name=sfd_int_droit visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_int_droit <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail id=59 x="369" y="1552  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',
        if ( sfd_maf_droit  <> '' or   sfd_maf_org_1 <>'',
            if ( sfd_maf_org_2 <> '',
                if ( sfd_maf_org_3  <> '' ,644,564) ,
                 484) ,
              404) ,
           324) , 

644" height="48" width="154" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=sfd_int_ddeb_t visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_int_ddeb <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="699" y="1552  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',
        if ( sfd_maf_droit  <> '' or   sfd_maf_org_1 <>'',
            if ( sfd_maf_org_2 <> '',
                if ( sfd_maf_org_3  <> '' ,644,564) ,
                 484) ,
              404) ,
           324) , 

644" height="48" width="538" text="Date de début :   if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_int_ddeb <> '', 'Date de début : ' , '' ) " )
column(name=sfd_int_ddeb visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_int_ddeb <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail id=60 x="1258" y="1552  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',
        if ( sfd_maf_droit  <> '' or   sfd_maf_org_1 <>'',
            if ( sfd_maf_org_2 <> '',
                if ( sfd_maf_org_3  <> '' ,644,564) ,
                 484) ,
              404) ,
           324) , 

644" height="48" width="293" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=sfd_int_dfin_t visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_int_dfin <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="1576" y="1552  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',
        if ( sfd_maf_droit  <> '' or   sfd_maf_org_1 <>'',
            if ( sfd_maf_org_2 <> '',
                if ( sfd_maf_org_3  <> '' ,644,564) ,
                 484) ,
              404) ,
           324) , 

644" height="48" width="329" text="Date de fin :   if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_int_dfin <> '', 'Date de fin : ' , '' ) " )
column(name=sfd_int_dfin visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_int_dfin <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail id=61 x="1927" y="1552  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),
  if (sfd_droit <> '', 
     if (sfd_tiers <> '',
        if ( sfd_maf_droit  <> '' or   sfd_maf_org_1 <>'',
            if ( sfd_maf_org_2 <> '',
                if ( sfd_maf_org_3  <> '' ,644,564) ,
                 484) ,
              404) ,
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804" height="48" width="318" text="Sans droit :   if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_ct_droit <> '' , 'Sans droit : ' , '' ) " )
column(name=sfd_ct_droit visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_ct_droit <> '' , 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail id=62 x="369" y="1648  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( 'sfd_ct_titre.y') ) + 80,2646)*/

804" height="48" width="154" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
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804" height="48" width="538" text="Mutualité :   if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_ct_mut  <> '', 'Mutualité : ' , '' ) " )
column(name=sfd_ct_mut visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_ct_mut  <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail id=63 x="1258" y="1648  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( 'sfd_ct_titre.y') ) + 80,2646)*/

804" height="48" width="88" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=sfd_ct_ct1_t visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_ct_ct1 <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="1368" y="1648  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( 'sfd_ct_titre.y') ) + 80,2646)*/

804" height="48" width="538" text="CT1 :  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_ct_ct1 <> '', 'CT1 : ' , '') " )
column(name=sfd_ct_ct1 visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_ct_ct1 <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail id=64 x="1927" y="1648  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( 'sfd_ct_titre.y') ) + 80,2646)*/

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804" height="48" width="538" text="CT2 :  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_ct_ct2 <> '', 'CT2 : ' , '' ) " )
column(name=sfd_ct_ct2 visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_ct_ct2 <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail id=65 x="2597" y="1648  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( 'sfd_ct_titre.y') ) + 80,2646)*/

804" height="48" width="88" color="33554432" border="0" alignment="0" format="[general]" edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autohscroll=no edit.autoselect=no edit.autovscroll=no edit.case=any edit.codetable=no edit.displayonly=no edit.hscrollbar=no edit.imemode=0 edit.limit=0 edit.password=no edit.vscrollbar=no edit.validatecode=no edit.nilisnull=no edit.required=no criteria.required=no criteria.override_edit=no crosstab.repeat=no background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" tabsequence=0 )
text(name=sfd_ct_ddeb_t visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_ct_ddeb <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail font.charset="0" font.face="Arial" font.family="2" font.height="-8" font.pitch="2" font.weight="400" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" color="33554432" alignment="1" border="0" x="699" y="1696  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( ' sfd_ct_mut.y') ) + 80,2726)*/

884" height="48" width="538" text="Date de début :   if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_ct_ddeb <> '', 'Date de début : ' , '' ) " )
column(name=sfd_ct_ddeb visible="1  if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_ct_ddeb <> '', 1 , 0 ) " moveable=1 height.autosize=yes slideup=allabove band=detail id=66 x="1258" y="1696  /*if (getrow() = integer(sfd_row),integer ( describe ( ' sfd_ct_mut.y') ) + 80,2726)*/

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884" height="48" width="329" text="Date de fin :   if ( trim (  sfd_titre ) <> '' and getrow() = integer(sfd_row) and sfd_ct_dfin <> '', 'Date de fin : ' , '' ) " )
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Hors ligne


#29 04-02-2014 09:57:19

Award: bf
Lieu: Tanger (طنج)
Date d'inscription: 04-12-2010
Messages: 720
Pépites: 11,343
Banque: 100,221,387,868,884,300
Site web

Re: [RESOLU] Problème avec le slide up sous pb 9.0.3 [enfin ... contourné]

J'ai l'impression qu'il y a des décalages dans les données que j'ai récupéré et je vois aussi qu'il y a beaucoup de contrôles, alors c'est sûre que la mise au point doit être galère!!!
Et quand je vois que tu cherches à positionner via des expressions tes contrôles alors là c'est un coup à devenir ...

Pour réduire la problématique j'ai refait une datawindow très simple, et j'ai pu remarqué les choses suivantes qui perturbent le slideup:

* il ne faut pas utiliser de bordure
* il ne faut pas utiliser de statictext

Et aussi:
* pas besoin de mettre de visible sur une colonne du moment qu'il y a déjà le autosize height.
* réduire la taille du detail à 0 pixel fonctionne.
* un contrôle ne semble pas pouvoir monter tant qu'un contrôle au dessus est visible, même si il n'est pas "sur la même colonne" (pas de colission sur l'axe Y)

Exemple sur une seule "colonne" :

Code: pb

release 9;
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data("magenta1","green1","yellow1","cyan1",null "green2","yellow2","cyan2",null null "yellow3","cyan3",null null null "cyan4","magenta5",null null "cyan5",null null null null "magenta6",null null null null null null null null "green8",null null ) 
line(band=detail x1="18" y1="4" x2="471" y2="4"  name=l_1 visible="1" pen.style="0" pen.width="5" pen.color="33554432"  background.mode="2" background.color="1073741824" )
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text(band=detail alignment="1" text="A4:" border="0" color="33554432" x="37" y="260" height="64" width="101" html.valueishtml="0"  name=a4_t visible="0"  slideup=allabove  font.face="Arial" font.height="-10" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16776960"  height.autosize=yes)
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text(band=detail alignment="1" text="A2:" border="0" color="33554432" x="37" y="92" height="64" width="101" html.valueishtml="0"  name=a2_t visible="0"  slideup=allabove  font.face="Arial" font.height="-10" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="65280"  height.autosize=yes)
text(band=detail alignment="1" text="A1:" border="0" color="33554432" x="37" y="12" height="64" width="101" html.valueishtml="0"  name=a1_t visible="0"  slideup=allabove  font.face="Arial" font.height="-10" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16711935"  height.autosize=yes)
htmltable(border="1" )
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export.pdf(method=0 distill.custompostscript="0" xslfop.print="0" )


Exemple sur deux colonnes:

Code: pb

release 9;
datawindow(units=0 timer_interval=0 color=1073741824 processing=0 HTMLDW=no print.printername="" print.documentname="" print.orientation = 0 print.margin.left = 110 print.margin.right = 110 print.margin.top = 96 print.margin.bottom = 96 print.paper.source = 0 print.paper.size = 0 print.canusedefaultprinter=yes print.prompt=no print.buttons=no print.preview.buttons=no print.cliptext=no print.overrideprintjob=no print.collate=yes hidegrayline=no )
summary(height=0 color="536870912" )
footer(height=0 color="536870912" )
detail(height=24 color="536870912"  height.autosize=yes)
table(column=(type=char(10) updatewhereclause=yes name=a1 dbname="a1" )
 column=(type=char(10) updatewhereclause=yes name=a2 dbname="a2" )
 column=(type=char(10) updatewhereclause=yes name=a3 dbname="a3" )
 column=(type=char(10) updatewhereclause=yes name=a4 dbname="a4" )
data("magenta1","green1","yellow1","cyan1",null "green2","yellow2","cyan2",null null "yellow3","cyan3",null null null "cyan4","magenta5",null null "cyan5",null null null null "magenta6",null null null null null null null null "green8",null null ) 
line(band=detail x1="18" y1="4" x2="882" y2="4"  name=l_1 visible="1" pen.style="0" pen.width="5" pen.color="33554432"  background.mode="2" background.color="1073741824" )
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Dernière modification par xlat (04-02-2014 10:01:52)

https://lut.im/eJINqa9o/vAtyxD0h "Don't believe everything you read on the Internet"
    -- Abraham Lincoln


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#30 04-02-2014 10:00:23

Award: bf
Lieu: Tanger (طنج)
Date d'inscription: 04-12-2010
Messages: 720
Pépites: 11,343
Banque: 100,221,387,868,884,300
Site web

Re: [RESOLU] Problème avec le slide up sous pb 9.0.3 [enfin ... contourné]

Au passage une astuce en mode design : c'est utile de faire des "Bring To front" des colonnes de temps en temps pour aider la preview à se régénérer correctement suite aux modifications des propriétés telles que autosize height, slideup etc... sans avoir à fermer et rouvrir la datawindow.

https://lut.im/eJINqa9o/vAtyxD0h "Don't believe everything you read on the Internet"
    -- Abraham Lincoln


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#31 04-02-2014 10:16:11

Sylvie de hannut  
Membre completement Geek
Lieu: Hannut (Belgique)
Date d'inscription: 10-06-2011
Messages: 123
Pépites: 499
Banque: 0

Re: [RESOLU] Problème avec le slide up sous pb 9.0.3 [enfin ... contourné]


Donc si je te comprend bien, il n'est pas possible de remonter une ligne si celle du dessus est vide ?

PS : j'ai utiliser les bordures pour être sûre que toute les zones vides étaient bien invisibles

rePS : le repositionnement des zones m'a rendue complètement

Dernière modification par Sylvie de hannut (04-02-2014 10:18:27)

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#32 04-02-2014 10:58:04

Award: bf
Lieu: Tanger (طنج)
Date d'inscription: 04-12-2010
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Re: [RESOLU] Problème avec le slide up sous pb 9.0.3 [enfin ... contourné]

Sylvie de hannut a écrit:

Donc si je te comprend bien, il n'est pas possible de remonter une ligne si celle du dessus est vide ?

Dans mon premier exemple sur "une colonne" on vois que ca fonctionne bien sur la deuxième ligne de détail car le magenta n'est pas visible et les green2,yellow2, cyan2 ont bien comblé l'espace vide laissé par le magenta.
Par contre, sur mon deuxième exemple "sur deux colonnes", la deuxième ligne de détail, le magenta est masqué mais le green2 ne prend pas sa place à cause du yellow2 qui est visible, pourtant il n'est pas sur la même "colonne".

Sylvie de hannut a écrit:

PS : j'ai utiliser les bordures pour être sûre que toute les zones vides étaient bien invisibles

J'ai fait de même et je me suis rendu compte que cela faussait les tests mais pas l'utilisation d'une couleur de fond.

Sylvie de hannut a écrit:

rePS : le repositionnement des zones m'a rendue complètement

Je veux bien croire.

https://lut.im/eJINqa9o/vAtyxD0h "Don't believe everything you read on the Internet"
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#33 04-02-2014 12:27:52

Sylvie de hannut  
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Re: [RESOLU] Problème avec le slide up sous pb 9.0.3 [enfin ... contourné]

Ce que je ne comprends pas, c'est que quand mes zones sont sans bordures, elles ne sont de toute façon pas repositionnées.
pourquoi toi ça marche et pas moi ?

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#34 04-02-2014 12:49:17

Award: bf
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Re: [RESOLU] Problème avec le slide up sous pb 9.0.3 [enfin ... contourné]

Tu as essayé de retirer tous les statictexts, les expressions sur .visible et .y des colonnes ?

https://lut.im/eJINqa9o/vAtyxD0h "Don't believe everything you read on the Internet"
    -- Abraham Lincoln


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#35 04-02-2014 13:06:34

Sylvie de hannut  
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Date d'inscription: 10-06-2011
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Re: [RESOLU] Problème avec le slide up sous pb 9.0.3 [enfin ... contourné]

oui j'ai essayé, je n'avais plus aucune expressions ni en visible, ni en Y, pour les lignes qui déco...aient. Mais rien n'y a fait PB n'a jamais voulu me repositionner mes lignes.

Actuellement, j'ai modifié mon point de vue : chaque ligne écrite est une nouvelle row, et maintenant tout va bien

Je resterai quand m^me toujours avec une interrogation, pourquoi, alors que ça marche toujours, le slide up n'a pas fonctionner ici

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#36 04-02-2014 14:00:28

Lieu: Babylone
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Re: [RESOLU] Problème avec le slide up sous pb 9.0.3 [enfin ... contourné]

my 2 cents : essayer en supprimant/ajoutant "par dichotomie" -> p.ex tu ne gardes que 2 lignes, si ça marche t'en garde plus, ainsi de suite
y'a peut-être un "nanard" glissé dans ta DW, il n'y a pas de raison que cela ne fonctionne pas

N'envoyez jamais un humain faire le travail d'un programme.

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#37 05-02-2014 08:44:37

Sylvie de hannut  
Membre completement Geek
Lieu: Hannut (Belgique)
Date d'inscription: 10-06-2011
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Re: [RESOLU] Problème avec le slide up sous pb 9.0.3 [enfin ... contourné]

Merci de votre aide et pour vos idées
Je cloture, car j'ai changer le traitement, je charge chaque ligne dans un nouveau record ligne.
Bonne journée à tous

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