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#1 11-06-2010 12:31:33

Membre Geek
Date d'inscription: 03-06-2010
Messages: 33
Pépites: 0
Banque: 0

PowerBuilderTV Webinar

Using PowerBuilder Assemblies with .NET
June 15 8:00am EST (New York) / 14:00 CET (Paris)

Do you have "legacy" PowerBuilder code that you want to access from a .NET application? Perhaps PowerBuilder has some superior functionality that you would like to make use of in a .NET application? Imagine how easy it would be to create a report in PowerBuilder with a DataWindow. Of course, PB can provide functionality through Web Services but this has its limitations.
In this presentation, we’ll start by covering the creation of a simple PowerBuilder assembly with PowerBuilder 11.5. In the second part, we’ll show the creation of a simple C# command line application that calls functions in this PowerBuilder assembly.

Presenter: Arthur Hefti

Register: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/874463155

Dernière modification par PowerBuilderTV (11-06-2010 12:31:49)

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#2 15-06-2010 08:02:53

Award: bf
Lieu: val de marne
Date d'inscription: 26-09-2006
Messages: 938
Pépites: 8,675,050,269
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Re: PowerBuilderTV Webinar

Up (c'est aujourd'hui 14h)

never let people work on more than one thing at once.

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#3 15-06-2010 12:13:51

Lieu: Babylone
Date d'inscription: 23-11-2006
Messages: 5121
Pépites: 97,197
Banque: 2,147,483,647

Re: PowerBuilderTV Webinar

Y'a du monde en Live ?

N'envoyez jamais un humain faire le travail d'un programme.

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