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#1 21-12-2011 13:59:16

Date d'inscription: 09-09-2009
Messages: 9
Pépites: 38
Banque: 0

[RESOLU] Total montant group 2 dans group 1 est doublé.


je travaille avec : windows XP sce pack 3,
                           Powerbuilder 7.03 build 10213
                           MS SQL 2000/SQL 2005.

j'ai une DW qui contient 2 groupes.
group 1 : pfolio
group 2 : devise (currency).

dans le group 2 j'ai un total par devise (currency)
ccy_swt_amount = If( Sum( det_ccy_balance for group 2 ) < 0 ,  Round(  Sum( det_ccy_balance for group 2 ) * ccy_percent_swt / 100 , deal_ccy_cts ) , 0 )

dans le group 1 j'ai un total portefeuille qui regroupe le total de toutes les devices de ce portefeuille :
cpf_ccy_exposure = Sum( Round( ccy_swt_amount * If( view_type = 1, Round ( cb_deal_rate / cb_cst_rate , 10 ) ,
                        Round( lb_deal_rate / lb_cst_rate , 10 )  ) , cst_ccy_cts )  for group 1 )

le problème est que, dans le total cpf_ccy_exposure, le calcul fait me donne le double de ce que j'attends.
comment faire pour résoudre ce problème. sortir de la DW le calcul et le mettre dans Powerscript Retrieveend ?
qu'elle est la solution ? Je joins un export de cette DW.

Code: pb

$PBExportComments$Portfolio lending - Customer exposure by currency
release 7;
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 retrieve="SELECT customer, pfolio, val_type, atp_code, atp_attach1, atp_attach2, ccy_code, ccy_desc, ccy_swt_exp, ccy_swt_pos, ccy_swt_cumul,
 cb_balance, lb_balance, sec_mk_cb_price, sec_mk_lb_price, sec_mk_cb_price_nom, sec_mk_lb_price_nom, sec_mk_cb_price_ccy, sec_mk_lb_price_ccy,
 sec_mk_cb_price_rate, sec_mk_lb_price_rate, sec_mk_cb_price_ccy_cts, sec_mk_lb_price_ccy_cts, sec_pp_cb_price, sec_pp_lb_price, sec_pp_price_nom,
 int_cr_rate, int_db_rate, int_cr_basis, int_db_basis, int_cr_amount, int_db_amount, int_bv_amount, int_exday, start_date, int_date, end_date,
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 mk_vd_pp_aver, mk_td_pp_aver, :view_type view_type 
FROM customer_extract WHERE customer = :customer AND rel_cst = :customer AND ( pfolio= :pfolio OR :pfolio = 99)" arguments=(("customer", number),("pfolio", number),("view_type", number))  sort="pfolio A ccy_code A atp_code A pfs_code A " )
group(level=1 header.height=140 trailer.height=336 by=("pfolio" ) header.color="536870912" trailer.color="536870912" )
group(level=2 header.height=64 trailer.height=228 by=("ccy_code" ) header.color="536870912" trailer.color="536870912" )
compute(band=header.1 alignment="0" expression="~" Lending for portfolio no. ~" + String( pfolio )"border="0" color="0" x="32" y="8" height="52" width="1637" format="[GENERAL]"  name=h_pfolio  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="700""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
text(band=header.1 alignment="2" text="Currency " border="0" color="0" x="41" y="76" height="52" width="297"  name=t_1  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
text(band=header.1 alignment="2" text="Assets" border="0" color="0" x="1042" y="76" height="52" width="206"  name=t_2  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
text(band=header.1 alignment="2" text="Liabilities" border="0" color="0" x="1527" y="76" height="52" width="256"  name=t_3  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
text(band=header.1 alignment="2" text="Exposure" border="0" color="255" x="2066" y="76" height="52" width="261"  name=t_4  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
text(band=header.1 alignment="2" text="----    Weigthing    ----" border="0" color="0" x="2405" y="76" height="52" width="480"  name=t_5  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
line(band=header.1 x1="0" y1="132" x2="5001" y2="132"  name=l_1"0" pen.width="5" pen.color="0"  background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
column(band=header.2 id=8 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="27" y="4" height="52" width="722" format="[general]"  name=ccy_desc edit.limit=0 edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
compute(band=header.2 alignment="1" expression="Sum( det_asset for group 2 )"border="0" color="0" x="768" y="4" height="52" width="498" format="#,##0.00##;[RED]#,##0.00##"  name=ccy_asset  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
compute(band=header.2 alignment="1" expression="Sum( det_liability for group 2 )"border="0" color="0" x="1289" y="4" height="52" width="498" format="#,##0.00##;[RED]#,##0.00##"  name=ccy_liability  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
compute(band=header.2 alignment="1" expression="If ( Sum( det_asset + det_liability for group 2 ) < 0 , Sum( det_asset + det_liability for group 2 ) , 0 )"border="0" color="0" x="1833" y="4" height="52" width="498" format="#,##0.00##;[RED]#,##0.00##"  name=ccy_exposure  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
compute(band=header.2 alignment="1" expression=" det_swt_percent "border="0" color="0" x="2391" y="4" height="56" width="183" format="##0 '%'"  name=ccy_percent_swt  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="281067712" )
compute(band=header.2 alignment="1" expression="If( Sum( det_ccy_balance for group 2 ) < 0 ,  Round(  Sum( det_ccy_balance for group 2 ) * ccy_percent_swt / 100 , deal_ccy_cts ) , 0 ) "border="0" color="0" x="2615" y="4" height="52" width="311" format="#,##0.00##;[RED]#,##0.00##"  name=ccy_swt_amount  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="65535" )
compute(band=detail alignment="1" expression="If(  det_ccy_balance < 0 , det_ccy_balance, 0 )"border="0" color="0" x="1289" y="4" height="52" width="498" format="#,##0.00##;[RED]#,##0.00##"  name=det_liability  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
compute(band=detail alignment="1" expression="If(  det_ccy_balance > 0 , det_ccy_balance, 0 )"border="0" color="0" x="768" y="4" height="52" width="498" format="#,##0.00##;[RED]#,##0.00##"  name=det_asset  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
compute(band=detail alignment="0" expression="If( view_type = 1 , case ( atp_attach1 when 11 then  Round( cb_balance * ( sec_pp_cb_price / sec_pp_price_nom ) ,  deal_ccy_cts  ) when 12 then Round ( mk_vd_pp_aver, deal_ccy_cts) else cb_balance ) , 
case ( atp_attach1 when 11 then Round( lb_balance * ( sec_pp_lb_price / sec_pp_price_nom ) ,  deal_ccy_cts  ) when 12 then Round ( mk_td_pp_aver, deal_ccy_cts) else lb_balance ) )"border="0" color="0" x="1838" y="4" height="52" width="498" format="[GENERAL]"  name=det_ccy_balance  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
compute(band=detail alignment="1" expression="If(  ccy_code <>  cst_ccy ,  ccy_swt_exp , 0 ) "border="0" color="0" x="2395" y="4" height="52" width="183" format="##0 '%'"  name=det_swt_percent  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
compute(band=detail alignment="0" expression="If( det_ccy_balance < 0 ,  Round( det_ccy_balance * det_swt_percent / 100 , deal_ccy_cts ) , 0 )"border="0" color="0" x="2615" y="4" height="52" width="251" format="[GENERAL]"  name=det_swt_amount  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
compute(band=trailer.2 alignment="1" expression="Round ( det_ccy_balance * If( view_type = 1, Round ( cb_deal_rate / cb_cst_rate , 10 ) , Round( lb_deal_rate / lb_cst_rate , 10 ) ) , cst_ccy_cts ) "border="0" color="0" x="3168" y="20" height="52" width="366" format="#,##0.00##;[RED]#,##0.00##"  name=det_cv_balance  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
column(band=trailer.2 id=9 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="5015" y="28" height="56" width="183" format="[general]"  name=ccy_swt_exp edit.limit=0 edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=trailer.2 id=10 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="5266" y="28" height="56" width="183" format="[general]"  name=ccy_swt_pos edit.limit=0 edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=trailer.2 id=50 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="3881" y="0" height="52" width="2002" format="[general]"  name=mk_vd_pp_aver edit.limit=0 edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
column(band=trailer.2 id=51 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="6386" y="40" height="52" width="562" format="[general]"  name=mk_td_pp_aver edit.limit=0 edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
compute(band=trailer.1 alignment="0" expression="Sum( Round( ccy_swt_amount * If( view_type = 1, Round ( cb_deal_rate / cb_cst_rate , 10 ) , Round( lb_deal_rate / lb_cst_rate , 10 )  ) , cst_ccy_cts )  for group 1 )"border="0" color="0" x="1742" y="12" height="52" width="453" format="#,##0.00##;[RED]#,##0.00##"  name=cpf_ccy_exposure  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="400""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="65535" )
compute(band=trailer.1 alignment="1" expression="~"Total exposure pfolio no. ~" + String( pfolio) + ~" in ~" +  cst_ccy + ~" : ~" "border="0" color="0" x="128" y="12" height="52" width="1595" format="[GENERAL]"  name=compute_1  font.face="MS Sans Serif" font.height="-8" font.weight="700""2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="553648127" )
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je vous remercie par avance de vos réponses.


Dernière modification par freewarefw (06-02-2012 07:46:53)

Hors ligne


#2 30-01-2012 15:57:18

Membre Geek
Date d'inscription: 24-11-2009
Messages: 24
Pépites: 135
Banque: 0

Re: [RESOLU] Total montant group 2 dans group 1 est doublé.


j'ai eu le même soucis et j'ai donc demandé à Sybase si cela était normal.
En fait cpf_ccy_exposure ne double pas obligatoirement le résultat mais il prend la valeur de ccy_swt_amount qu'il somme autant de fois qu'il y a de ligne dans le détail du group 2.

Par exemple :
J'ai 5 lignes de détail avec un champ val qui vaut 1 à chaque fois avec 2 groupes( Main d'oeuvre et type de travail)
Pour ma main d'oeuvre, j'ai 2 type de travail A et B. Pour A, j'ai 3 lignes de détail et pour B j'ai 2 lignes de détail

Je crée 2 computes :


sum_type_travail = sum(val for group 2)
sum_main_oeuvre = sum(sum_type_travail for group 1)

Résultat :
Pour A, sum_type_travail = 3 et Pour B sum_type_travail = 2
sum_main_oeuvre = 13 car PB fait sum_type_travail de A * nb ligne de A ( 3*3) + sum_type_travail de B * nb ligne de B ( 2*2)

Dernière modification par Amélie (30-01-2012 16:03:48)

Hors ligne


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