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#1 26-02-2007 15:13:32

Award: bf
Date d'inscription: 24-05-2006
Messages: 610
Pépites: 2,097
Banque: 3,536,631,712,504

[RESOLU] Le control MonthCalendar en PB 10


Quelqu'un a t-il déjà utilisé le nouveau control MonthCalendar de la version 10 de PB.

Pourriez vous me donner un exemple de code.

Hors ligne


#2 26-02-2007 15:43:15

Award: calimero
Lieu: Bordeaux
Date d'inscription: 12-09-2006
Messages: 966
Pépites: 22,449
Banque: 154,120,629,477,379,100

Re: [RESOLU] Le control MonthCalendar en PB 10

désole je bosse pas sous PB10

Personne ne peut l'aider?

Hors ligne


#3 26-02-2007 18:35:04

Lieu: Babylone
Date d'inscription: 23-11-2006
Messages: 5121
Pépites: 97,197
Banque: 2,147,483,647

Re: [RESOLU] Le control MonthCalendar en PB 10

wazou1812 a écrit:

Quelqu'un a t-il déjà utilisé le nouveau control MonthCalendar de la version 10 de PB.
Pourriez vous me donner un exemple de code.

Le MonthCalendar est utilisé pour sélectionner une plage de dates : (MonthCalendar)


Le DatePicker est utilisé pour sélectionner une date unique : (DatePicker)


Pour le code : rien de spécial, c'est un contrôle comme un autre que tu places dans une fenêtre ou une DW, regarde les propriétés et les méthodes pour y accèder dans la doc

N'envoyez jamais un humain faire le travail d'un programme.

Hors ligne


#4 27-02-2007 08:39:13

Award: bf
Date d'inscription: 24-05-2006
Messages: 610
Pépites: 2,097
Banque: 3,536,631,712,504

Re: [RESOLU] Le control MonthCalendar en PB 10

Super et Merci , vous pouvez mettre Résolu......

Hors ligne


#5 30-05-2007 08:41:13

Builder Power
Award: bf
Lieu: 75019 paris
Date d'inscription: 21-05-2007
Messages: 1724
Pépites: 496,453,703,213
Banque: 9,223,372,036,854,776,000

Re: [RESOLU] Le control MonthCalendar en PB 10

tu peux utiliser ce bout de code c'est un userobject appeler u_hepek_calendar

Code: pb

global type u_hepek_calendar from userobject
end type
type lb_months from u_months_list within u_hepek_calendar
end type
type st_aujour from statictext within u_hepek_calendar
end type
type cb_next_day from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
end type
type cb_prev_day from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
end type
type cb_next_month from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
end type
type cb_next_year from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
end type
type cb_prev_month from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
end type
type cb_prev_year from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
end type
type dw_calendar from datawindow within u_hepek_calendar
end type
end forward

global type u_hepek_calendar from userobject
integer width = 599
integer height = 640
long backcolor = 79741120
long tabtextcolor = 33554432
long tabbackcolor = 79741120
long picturemaskcolor = 553648127
event hpk_lose_focus ( )
lb_months lb_months
st_aujour st_aujour
cb_next_day cb_next_day
cb_prev_day cb_prev_day
cb_next_month cb_next_month
cb_next_year cb_next_year
cb_prev_month cb_prev_month
cb_prev_year cb_prev_year
dw_calendar dw_calendar
end type
global u_hepek_calendar u_hepek_calendar

type prototypes

end prototypes

type variables
Integer     ii_old_column, &
        ii_day, ii_month, ii_year
Date           id_date_selected, id_date_min, id_date_max
Time      it_time_selected
String     is_column
DataWindow   idw
Window    iw_parent
Boolean    ib_help_requested = FALSE
Integer     il_type_op 
  // barre si 
  //   1  --> id_date_min < ld_date
  //   2  --> id_date_min <= ld_date
  //   3  --> id_date_min = ld_date
  //   4  --> id_date_min >= ld_date
  //   5  --> id_date_min > ld_date

  //  11 --> id_date_min < ld_date and ld_date < id_date_max
  //  12 --> id_date_min <= ld_date and ld_date <= id_date_max
  //  13 --> id_date_min = ld_date and id_date_max = ld_date
  //  14 --> id_date_min >= ld_date or id_date_max <= ld_date
  //  15 --> id_date_min > ld_date or id_date_max < ld_date

Integer     ii_NOFH_visible = 0

Date          id_date
EditMask        iem_mask
SingleLineEdit    isle_edit
String        is_object_name

end variables
forward prototypes
public subroutine of_set_position ()
public function integer of_get_month_number (string as_month)
public function string of_date_string ()
public function integer of_days_in_month (integer ai_month, integer ai_year)
public function string of_get_month_string (integer as_month)
public subroutine of_init_calendar (date ad_start_date)
public subroutine of_set_date_min (date ad_date)
public subroutine of_set_date_interval (date ad_date_min,date ad_date_max)
public function integer of_barre_visible (integer ai_strikethrough, string as_column)
public subroutine of_draw_month (integer ai_year, integer ai_month)
public subroutine of_enter_day_numbers (integer ai_start_day_num, integer ai_days_in_month)
public subroutine of_set_nofh_visible (integer ai_nofh_visible)
public subroutine of_fermeture_visible ()
public subroutine of_set_type_op (integer ai_type_op)
public subroutine of_set_date (date adt_date)
public subroutine of_show_calendar (datawindow adw, string as_object_name)
public subroutine of_show_calendar (editmask aem_mask)
public subroutine of_show_calendar (singlelineedit asle_edit)
end prototypes

event hpk_lose_focus;PowerObject lpo_object

// If user asked for Help MessageBox, then do not hide calendar
IF ib_help_requested THEN Return
IF KeyDown(KeyTab!) THEN Return

lpo_object = GetFocus()

// If calendar loses focus then hide it
IF  lpo_object <> control[1] &
AND lpo_object <> control[2] &
AND lpo_object <> control[3] &
AND lpo_object <> control[4] &
AND lpo_object <> control[5] &
AND lpo_object <> control[6] &
AND lpo_object <> control[7] &
AND lpo_object <> control[8] THEN Hide()

end event

public subroutine of_set_position ();Integer li_X, li_Y

li_X = iw_parent.PointerX() - Width + 5
li_Y = iw_parent.PointerY() + 10

// Check if calendar excides frame Width
IF li_X < 0 THEN li_X = li_X + Width
IF li_Y + Height > iw_parent.WorkSpaceHeight() THEN li_Y -= Height

// Move calendar to appropriate coordinates
Move(li_X, li_Y)


BringToTop = TRUE

end subroutine

public function integer of_get_month_number (string as_month);Integer li_month_number

CHOOSE CASE as_month
  CASE 'Jan'
    li_month_number = 1
  CASE 'Feb'
    li_month_number = 2
  CASE 'Mar'
    li_month_number = 3
  CASE 'Apr'
    li_month_number = 4
  CASE 'May'
    li_month_number = 5
  CASE 'Jun'
    li_month_number = 6
  CASE 'Jul'
    li_month_number = 7
  CASE 'Aug'
    li_month_number = 8
  CASE 'Sep'
    li_month_number = 9
  CASE 'Oct'
    li_month_number = 10
  CASE 'Nov'
    li_month_number = 11
  CASE 'Dec'
    li_month_number = 12

Return li_month_number
end function

public function string of_date_string ();Return String(ii_year) + '/' + String(ii_month) + '/'+ String(ii_day)

end function

public function integer of_days_in_month (integer ai_month, integer ai_year);Integer  ln_days_in_month
Boolean  lb_leap_year

CHOOSE CASE ai_month
  CASE 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12
    ln_days_in_month = 31
  CASE 4, 6, 9, 11
    ln_days_in_month = 30
  CASE 2
    // Check for leap year
    If IsDate(string(ai_year) + '/2/29') Then
      ln_days_in_month = 29
       ln_days_in_month = 28
    End If

Return ln_days_in_month
end function

public function string of_get_month_string (integer as_month);String ls_month

CHOOSE CASE as_month
  CASE 1
    ls_month = 'Janvier ' + string(ii_year,'0000')
  CASE 2
    ls_month = 'Février ' + string(ii_year,'0000')
  CASE 3
    ls_month = 'Mars ' + string(ii_year,'0000')
  CASE 4
    ls_month = 'Avril ' + string(ii_year,'0000')
  CASE 5
    ls_month = 'Mai ' + string(ii_year,'0000')
  CASE 6
    ls_month = 'Juin ' + string(ii_year,'0000')
  CASE 7
    ls_month = 'Juillet ' + string(ii_year,'0000')
  CASE 8
    ls_month = 'Août ' + string(ii_year,'0000')
  CASE 9
    ls_month = 'Sept. ' + string(ii_year,'0000')
  CASE 10
    ls_month = 'Octobre ' + string(ii_year,'0000')
  CASE 11
    ls_month = 'Nov. ' + string(ii_year,'0000')
  CASE 12
    ls_month = 'Déc. ' + string(ii_year,'0000')

Return ls_month
end function

public subroutine of_init_calendar (date ad_start_date);Integer  li_first_day_number, li_current_cell, li_days_in_month, li_i
String   ls_year, ls_modify, ls_return
Date     ld_first_day_in_month

// Set the variables for Day, Month and Year from the date passed to the function                                    */
ii_month = Month(ad_start_date)
ii_year  = Year(ad_start_date)
ii_day   = Day(ad_start_date)

// Find how many days in the relevant month
li_days_in_month = of_days_in_month(ii_month, ii_year)

// Find the date of the first day of this month
ld_first_day_in_month = Date(ii_year, ii_month, 1)

// What day of the week is the first day of the month
li_first_day_number = DayNumber(ld_first_day_in_month)

// Set the starting 'cell' in the datawindow. i.e the column in which
// the first day of the month will be displayed
li_current_cell = li_first_day_number + ii_day - 1

// Set the Title of the calendar with the Month and Year
//dw_calendar.Modify("st_year.text   = ~"" + String(ii_year) + "~"")
dw_calendar.Modify("st_month.text = ~""  + of_get_month_string(ii_month) + "~"")

// Enter the numbers of the days
of_enter_day_numbers(li_first_day_number, li_days_in_month)

dw_calendar.SetItem(1, li_current_cell, String(Day(ad_start_date)))

// Display the current day in bold and 3D
ls_modify = '#' + String(li_current_cell) + '.border=5'
ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_modify)
IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)
ls_modify = '#' + String(li_current_cell) + '.Font.Weight=700'
ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_modify)
IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)

// Affichage de la journée d'aujourd'hui en rouge
// On remet toutes les cellules en noir puis celle du jour en rouge
For li_i = 1 To 42
  ls_modify = '#' + String(li_i) + '.Color=0'
  ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_modify)
  IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)
If ii_month = Month(Today()) And ii_year = Year(Today()) Then
  ls_modify = '#' + String(li_first_day_number + Day(Today()) - 1) + '.Color=255'
  ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_modify)
  IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)
End if

// Set the instance variable i_old_column to hold the current cell,
// so when we change it, we know the old setting
ii_old_column = li_current_cell

end subroutine

public subroutine of_set_date_min (date ad_date);id_date_min = ad_date
end subroutine

public subroutine of_set_date_interval (date ad_date_min,date ad_date_max);id_date_max = ad_date_max
id_date_min = ad_date_min
end subroutine

public function integer of_barre_visible (integer ai_strikethrough, string as_column);string ls_return

If as_column <> '' then
  ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(as_column + '.font.strikethrough="'+ string(ai_strikethrough)+'"')
  If ls_return <> "" then 
    Return -1
  End if
End If

Return 1
end function

public subroutine of_draw_month (integer ai_year, integer ai_month);Integer  li_first_day_number, li_cell, li_days_in_month
Date     ld_first_day_in_month
String  ls_modify, ls_return


ii_month = ai_month
ii_year  = ai_year

// Check if the instance day is valid for month/year.
// Back the day down one if invalid for month ie 31 will become 30
DO WHILE Date(ii_year,ii_month,ii_day) = Date(00,1,1)
  ii_day --

// Work out how many days in the month
li_days_in_month = of_days_in_month(ii_month, ii_year)

// Find the date of the first day in the month
ld_first_day_in_month = Date(ii_year, ii_month,1)

// Find what day of the week this is
li_first_day_number = DayNumber(ld_first_day_in_month)

// Set the first cell
li_cell = li_first_day_number + ii_day - 1

// If there was an old column turn off the highlight
IF ii_old_column <> 0 THEN
  ls_modify = '#' + string(ii_old_Column) + '.border=6'
  ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_modify)
  If ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)
  ls_modify = '#' + string(ii_old_Column) + '.Font.Weight=400'
  ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_Modify)
  If ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)

// Set the Title
//dw_calendar.Modify("st_year.text   = ~"" + String(ii_year) + "~"")
dw_calendar.Modify("st_month.text = ~""  + of_get_month_string(ii_month) + "~"")


dw_calendar.SetItem(1, li_cell, String(ii_day))

// Highlight the current date
ls_modify = '#' + string(li_cell) + '.border=5'
ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_modify)
IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify',ls_return)
ls_modify = '#' + string(li_cell) + '.Font.Weight=700'
ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_Modify)
IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify',ls_return)

// Set the old column for next time
ii_old_column = li_cell

// Reset the pointer and Redraw

end subroutine

public subroutine of_enter_day_numbers (integer ai_start_day_num, integer ai_days_in_month);Integer  li_count, li_daycount
string  ls_modify, ls_return
Date     ld_date, ld_date_debut
Integer  li_barre

ld_date_debut = Date(ii_year, ii_month,1)
// Blank the columns before the first day of the month
FOR li_count = 1 TO ai_start_day_num
  dw_calendar.SetItem(1, li_count,'')

// Set the columns for the days to the String of their Day number
FOR li_count = 1 TO ai_days_in_month
  // Use li_daycount to find which column needs to be set
  li_daycount = ai_start_day_num + li_count - 1
  dw_calendar.SetItem(1, li_daycount, String(li_count))
  ld_date = RelativeDate(ld_date_debut,li_count - 1)
  IF Not Isnull(id_date_min) Then  
    li_barre = 0 
    choose case il_type_op
      case 1
        If id_date_min < ld_date Then
          li_barre = 1
        End if
      case 2
        If id_date_min <= ld_date Then
          li_barre = 1
        End if
      case 3
        If id_date_min = ld_date Then
          li_barre = 1
        End if
      case 4
        If id_date_min >= ld_date Then
          li_barre = 1
        End if
      case 5
        If id_date_min > ld_date Then
          li_barre = 1
        End if
      case 11
        If id_date_min < ld_date and ld_date < id_date_max Then
          li_barre = 1
        End if
      case 12
        If id_date_min <= ld_date and ld_date <= id_date_max Then
          li_barre = 1
        End if
      case 13
        If id_date_min = ld_date and id_date_max = ld_date  Then
          li_barre = 1
        End if
      case 14
        If id_date_min >= ld_date or id_date_max <= ld_date  Then
          li_barre = 1
        End if
      case 15
        If id_date_min > ld_date or id_date_max < ld_date  Then
          li_barre = 1
        End if
    end choose
  End if

// Move to next column
li_daycount = li_daycount + 1

// Blank remainder of columns
FOR li_count = li_daycount TO 42
  dw_calendar.SetItem(1, li_count,'')

// If there was an old column turn off the highlight
IF ii_old_column <> 0 THEN
  ls_modify = '#' + string(ii_old_Column) + '.border=6'
  ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_modify)
  IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)
  ls_modify = '#' + string(ii_old_Column) + '.Font.Weight=400'
  ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_Modify)
  IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)

ii_old_column = 0

end subroutine

public subroutine of_set_nofh_visible (integer ai_nofh_visible);ii_NOFH_visible = ai_NOFH_visible
If ii_NOFH_visible > 0 Then 
End if
end subroutine

public subroutine of_fermeture_visible ();Integer  li_NOF1H, li_NOF2H , li_i, li_case
String   ls_modify, ls_return

select NOF1H,     NOF2H 
Into   :li_NOF1H, :li_NOF2H
from  r_agn;

If li_NOF1H > 0 and li_NOF1H < 8 Then 
  for li_i = 1 to 6
    li_case = li_NOF1H + 7 * (li_i - 1 )
    ls_modify = '#' + string(li_case) + '.background.color="12632256"'
    ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_modify)
    IF ls_return <> '' THEN 
      li_i = 8
      MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)
    End if        
End if

If li_NOF2H > 0 and li_NOF2H < 8 Then 
  for li_i = 1 to 6
    li_case = li_NOF2H + 7 * (li_i - 1 )
    ls_modify = '#' + string(li_case) + '.background.color="12632256"'
    ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_modify)
    IF ls_return <> '' THEN 
      li_i = 8
      MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)
    End if        
End if
end subroutine

public subroutine of_set_type_op (integer ai_type_op);il_type_op = ai_type_op
end subroutine

public subroutine of_set_date (date adt_date);
id_date = adt_date

end subroutine

public subroutine of_show_calendar (datawindow adw, string as_object_name);
String ls_current_data, ls_date, ls_col_type, ls_col_format
Date   ld_date
Integer li_pos

// Set the instance DW variable
idw = adw
is_object_name = as_object_name
lb_months.Visible = False

// Reset DataWindow and restore columns borders
dw_calendar.Event hpk_reset()

// Get current field value
If IsValid(idw) Then
  ls_current_data = idw.GetText() + ' '
End if

li_pos = Pos(ls_current_data, ' ', 1)
// Determine current column Date and Time if applicable
ls_date = Trim(Left(ls_current_data, li_pos))

// set date and time to null if no current value
IF ls_date = '' OR NOT IsDate(ls_date) THEN
  ld_date = Date(ls_date)

// Set to today if no value in column
IF IsNull(ld_date) THEN ld_date = Today()

// initialize calendar

// position the calendar


end subroutine

public subroutine of_show_calendar (editmask aem_mask);
String ls_current_data, ls_date, ls_col_type, ls_col_format
Date   ld_date
Integer li_pos

// Set the instance DW variable
iem_mask = aem_mask
lb_months.Visible = False

// Reset DataWindow and restore columns borders
dw_calendar.Event hpk_reset()

// Get current field value
If IsValid(iem_mask) Then
  ls_current_data = iem_mask.Text + ' '
End if

li_pos = Pos(ls_current_data, ' ', 1)
// Determine current column Date and Time if applicable
ls_date = Trim(Left(ls_current_data, li_pos))

// set date and time to null if no current value
IF ls_date = '' OR NOT IsDate(ls_date) THEN
  ld_date = Date(ls_date)

// Set to today if no value in column
IF IsNull(ld_date) THEN ld_date = Today()

// initialize calendar

// position the calendar


end subroutine

public subroutine of_show_calendar (singlelineedit asle_edit);
String ls_current_data, ls_date, ls_col_type, ls_col_format
Date   ld_date
Integer li_pos

// Set the instance DW variable
isle_edit = asle_edit
lb_months.Visible = False

// Reset DataWindow and restore columns borders
dw_calendar.Event hpk_reset()

// Get current field value
If IsValid(isle_edit) Then
  ls_current_data = isle_edit.Text + ' '
End if

li_pos = Pos(ls_current_data, ' ', 1)
// Determine current column Date and Time if applicable
ls_date = Trim(Left(ls_current_data, li_pos))

// set date and time to null if no current value
IF ls_date = '' OR NOT IsDate(ls_date) THEN
  ld_date = Date(ls_date)

// Set to today if no value in column
IF IsNull(ld_date) THEN ld_date = Today()

// initialize calendar

// position the calendar


end subroutine

on u_hepek_calendar.create
this.lb_months=create lb_months
this.st_aujour=create st_aujour
this.cb_next_day=create cb_next_day
this.cb_prev_day=create cb_prev_day
this.cb_next_month=create cb_next_month
this.cb_next_year=create cb_next_year
this.cb_prev_month=create cb_prev_month
this.cb_prev_year=create cb_prev_year
this.dw_calendar=create dw_calendar
end on

on u_hepek_calendar.destroy
end on

event constructor;Hide()
iw_parent = GetParent()

end event

type lb_months from u_months_list within u_hepek_calendar
boolean visible = false
integer height = 640
integer taborder = 30
boolean border = true
borderstyle borderstyle = styleraised!
end type

event doubleclicked;call super::doubleclicked;String    ls_date_old, ls_date_new

ls_date_old = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

ii_month = index

ls_date_new = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

Do While Not IsDate(ls_date_new)
  ii_day = ii_day - 1
  If ii_day < 1 Then ii_day = 1
  ls_date_new = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')


This.Visible = False


end event

event losefocus;call super::losefocus;This.Visible = False

end event

type st_aujour from statictext within u_hepek_calendar
integer x = 114
integer y = 568
integer width = 366
integer height = 56
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Arial"
long textcolor = 16711680
long backcolor = 15780518
string text = "Aujourd~'hui"
alignment alignment = center!
long bordercolor = 33554431
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type

event clicked;of_init_calendar(today())

end event

event losefocus;Parent.Event hpk_lose_focus()

end event

type cb_next_day from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
integer x = 489
integer y = 556
integer width = 101
integer height = 80
integer taborder = 40
integer textsize = -16
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = symbol!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
string facename = "Wingdings"
string text = "ð"
end type

event clicked;
String    ls_date_old, ls_date_new

ls_date_old = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

ii_day = ii_day + 1

ls_date_new = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

Do While Not IsDate(ls_date_new)
  ii_day = 1
  ii_month = ii_month + 1
  If ii_month = 13 Then
    ii_month = 1
    ii_year = ii_year + 1
  End if
  If ii_day < 1 Then ii_day = 1
  ls_date_new = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

id_date_selected = Date(ls_date_new)

end event

type cb_prev_day from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
integer x = 9
integer y = 556
integer width = 101
integer height = 80
integer taborder = 30
integer textsize = -16
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = symbol!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
string facename = "Wingdings"
string text = "ï"
end type

event clicked;
String    ls_date_old, ls_date_new

ls_date_old = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

ii_day = ii_day - 1

If ii_day = 0 Then
  ii_day = 31
  ii_month = ii_month - 1
  If ii_month = 0 Then
    ii_month = 12
    ii_year = ii_year - 1
  End if
End if

ls_date_new = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

Do While Not IsDate(ls_date_new)
  ii_day = 1
  ii_month = ii_month + 1
  If ii_month = 13 Then
    ii_month = 1
    ii_year = ii_year + 1
  End if
  If ii_day < 1 Then ii_day = 1
  ls_date_new = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

id_date_selected = Date(ls_date_new)

end event

type cb_next_month from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
integer x = 489
integer y = 8
integer width = 50
integer height = 76
integer textsize = -9
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "MS Sans Serif"
string text = ">"
end type

event clicked;
String    ls_date_old, ls_date_new

ls_date_old = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

ii_month = ii_month + 1

If ii_month = 13 Then
  ii_month = 1
  ii_year = ii_year + 1
End if

ls_date_new = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

Do While Not IsDate(ls_date_new)
  ii_day = ii_day - 1
  If ii_day < 1 Then ii_day = 1
  ls_date_new = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

id_date_selected = Date(ls_date_new)

end event

type cb_next_year from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
integer x = 539
integer y = 8
integer width = 50
integer height = 76
integer textsize = -9
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "MS Sans Serif"
string text = "+"
end type

event clicked;
String    ls_date_old, ls_date_new

ls_date_old = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

ii_year = ii_year + 1

ls_date_new = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

id_date_selected = Date(ls_date_new)

end event

type cb_prev_month from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
integer x = 59
integer y = 8
integer width = 50
integer height = 76
integer textsize = -9
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "MS Sans Serif"
string text = "<"
end type

event clicked;
String    ls_date_old, ls_date_new

ls_date_old = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

ii_month = ii_month - 1

If ii_month = 0 Then
  ii_month = 12
  ii_year = ii_year - 1
End if

ls_date_new = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

Do While Not IsDate(ls_date_new)
  ii_day = ii_day - 1
  If ii_day < 1 Then ii_day = 1
  ls_date_new = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

id_date_selected = Date(ls_date_new)

end event

type cb_prev_year from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
integer x = 9
integer y = 8
integer width = 50
integer height = 76
integer textsize = -9
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "MS Sans Serif"
string text = "-"
end type

event clicked;
String    ls_date_old, ls_date_new

ls_date_old = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

ii_year = ii_year - 1

ls_date_new = String(ii_day, '##00') + '/' + String(ii_month, '##00') + '/'+ String(ii_year, '####0000')

id_date_selected = Date(ls_date_new)

end event

type dw_calendar from datawindow within u_hepek_calendar
event key pbm_dwnkey
event type boolean hpk_set_day ( integer ai_clicked_column )
event hpk_return_date_time ( )
event hpk_reset ( )
string tag = "TQBQW +12"
integer width = 599
integer height = 640
integer taborder = 20
string dataobject = "d_hepek_calendar"
boolean livescroll = true
borderstyle borderstyle = styleraised!
end type

event key;
IF key = KeyControl! THEN
  If IsValid(idw) Then
  ElseIf IsValid(iem_mask) Then
  ElseIf IsValid(isle_edit) Then
  End if
  Return 1

IF key = KeyEscape! THEN 
  // Replace le focus
  If IsValid(idw) Then
  ElseIf IsValid(iem_mask) Then
  ElseIf IsValid(isle_edit) Then
  End if
  lb_months.Visible = False
ELSEIF key = KeyEnter! THEN
  // Make shore that old column has some value
  IF Integer(GetItemString(1, ii_old_column)) > 0 THEN
    Event hpk_set_day(ii_old_column)
    Event hpk_return_date_time()
ELSEIF key = KeyLeftArrow! THEN
  IF keyflags = 0 THEN  // Shift not pressed
    cb_prev_DAY.Event clicked()
  ELSEIF keyflags = 1 THEN
    // User Pressed Shift key - move to previous month
    cb_prev_month.Event clicked()
ELSEIF key = KeyRightArrow! THEN 
  IF keyflags = 0 THEN  // Shift not pressed
    cb_next_DAY.Event clicked()
  ELSEIF keyflags = 1 THEN
    // User Pressed Shift key - move to next month
    cb_next_month.Event clicked()
ELSEIF key = KeyUpArrow! THEN
  // move to next year
  cb_next_year.Event clicked()
ELSEIF key = KeyDownArrow! THEN
  // move to previous year
  cb_prev_year.Event clicked()
ELSEIF key = KeyTab! THEN

  POST SetFocus()

  POST SetRedraw(TRUE)

  Return 1
  // IF Shift is pressed, do not display help
  IF keyflags <> 0 THEN Return
  // Help Keys, first set instance variable to prevent calendar from hiding
  ib_help_requested = TRUE
  Messagebox('Aide', 'Jour suivant           Right Arrow~r'       + &
               'Jour précédant         Left Arrow~r'       + &
               'Mois suivant           Shift + Right Arrow~r' + &
               'Mois précédant         Shift + Left Arrow~r'   + &
               'Valider                Entrée~r'           + &               
               'Annuler                Echap~r')
  ib_help_requested = FALSE
end event

event type boolean hpk_set_day(integer ai_clicked_column);String ls_day, ls_modify, ls_return

// Set Day to the text of the clicked column. 
ls_day = GetItemString(1, ai_clicked_column)
// Check If user clicked on an empty column
IF ls_day = '' OR IsNull(ls_day) THEN Return FALSE

// Convert to a number and place in Instance variable
ii_day = Integer(ls_day)

// Reset properties for old column back to normal
If ii_old_column <> 0 then
  ls_modify = '#' + String(ii_old_column) + '.border=6'
  ls_return = Modify(ls_modify)
  If ls_return <> '' then MessageBox('Modify',ls_return)
  ls_modify = '#' + string(ii_old_column) + '.Font.Weight=400'
  ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_Modify)
  If ls_return <> '' then MessageBox('Modify',ls_return)
End If

// Highlight chosen day
ls_modify = '#' + String(ai_clicked_column) + '.border=5'
ls_return = Modify(ls_modify)
If ls_return <> '' then MessageBox('Modify',ls_return)
ls_modify = '#' + string(ai_clicked_column) + '.Font.Weight=700'
ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_Modify)
If ls_return <> '' then MessageBox('Modify',ls_return)

// Set the chosen date
id_date_selected = Date(ii_year, ii_month, ii_day)

ii_old_column = ai_clicked_column

Return TRUE
end event

event hpk_return_date_time();String ls_return

ls_return = String(id_date_selected)

// Set the date value in current field and Accept Text
If IsValid(idw) Then
ElseIf IsValid(iem_mask) Then
  iem_mask.Text = ls_return
ElseIf IsValid(isle_edit) Then
  isle_edit.Text = ls_return
End if

lb_months.Visible = False

end event

event hpk_reset;Integer   li_cnt
String   ls_modify, ls_return

// Reset the instance variables
ii_day      = 0
ii_month      = 0
ii_year      = 0
ii_old_column  = 0

FOR li_cnt = 1 TO 42
  ls_modify = '#' + string(li_cnt) + '.border=6'
  ls_return = Modify(ls_modify)
  IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)
  ls_modify = '#' + string(li_cnt) + '.Font.Weight=400'
  ls_return = Modify(ls_Modify)
  IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)
end event

event clicked;Integer  li_clicked_column

IF dwo.Name = "st_month" Then
  lb_months.Visible = True
ElseIF dwo.Type = 'column' THEN
  lb_months.Visible = False

  IF li_clicked_column < 0  THEN Return 1
  li_clicked_column = Integer(dwo.ID)
  // Set the chossen Date
  IF NOT Event hpk_set_day(li_clicked_column) THEN Return
  // Set the date value in current field and Accept Text
  Event hpk_return_date_time()
  Return 1
End if

end event

event constructor;


end event

event losefocus;

end event

Face à l'agression, la puissance de l'intelligence

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#6 30-05-2007 12:02:00

Award: bf
Date d'inscription: 24-05-2006
Messages: 610
Pépites: 2,097
Banque: 3,536,631,712,504

Re: [RESOLU] Le control MonthCalendar en PB 10


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#7 30-05-2007 12:39:36

Lieu: Babylone
Date d'inscription: 23-11-2006
Messages: 5121
Pépites: 97,197
Banque: 2,147,483,647

Re: [RESOLU] Le control MonthCalendar en PB 10

JCZ a écrit:

tu peux utiliser ce bout de code c'est un userobject appeler u_hepek_calendar


Effectivement ce controle fonctionne bien : je l'ai utilisé jusqu'à ce que je passe de la v9 à la v10.5

N'envoyez jamais un humain faire le travail d'un programme.

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