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#1 30-05-2007 09:13:11

Builder Power
Award: bf
Lieu: 75019 paris
Date d'inscription: 21-05-2007
Messages: 1724
Pépites: 496,453,703,213
Banque: 9,223,372,036,854,776,000

[RESOLU] MicroHelp

J'aimerai savoir s'il y avait une possibilité de scindé la MicroHelp
Par exemple mettre     l'heure d'un coté
l'aide du menu de l’autre,
le temps de connexion au milieu ….

Face à l'agression, la puissance de l'intelligence

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#2 30-05-2007 09:23:37

Award: bf
Lieu: Belgique
Date d'inscription: 06-02-2007
Messages: 722
Pépites: 100,002,023
Banque: 0

Re: [RESOLU] MicroHelp

y a moyen mais c'est un peu du bricolage, néanmoins le résultat est correct donc pourquoi pas ?

Voilà un exemple de comment faire :

Putting Time On The Right Side Of MDI Microhelp


Code: pb

// this combination of scripts will allow you to display the time on
// the right side of mdi microhelp. it uses pop-up window that contains
// a single line edit. the sle displays the time. the pop-up window is
// placed on the mdi frame over the microhelp, and is moved whenever
// the frame moves or is resized.
// instance variables for the mdi frame
integer ox,oy,oh,ow  // old x,y and height, width

w_popup lpop          // local popup which traipes ...
// end instance variables for mdi frame

// Open event for w_MDI_frame
integer wx,wy,wh,ww                     // workspace extents

wx=this.workspacex ( )
wy=this.workspacey ( )
wh=this.workspaceheight ( )
ww=this.workspacewidth ( )

move(lpop,wx+ww - lpop.width - 15,wy+wh - lpop.height - 22)

//Resize event for w_MDI_frame
integer wx,wy,wh,ww

wx=this.workspacex ( )
wy=this.workspacey ( )
wh=this.workspaceheight ( )
ww=this.workspacewidth ( )

if ( handle (lpop) > 0 ) then
    move(lpop,wx+ww - lpop.width - 15,wy+wh - lpop.height - 22)
end if


// User event for pbm_move for w_MDI_frame
integer wx,wy,wh,ww

wx=this.workspacex ( )
wy=this.workspacey ( )
wh=this.workspaceheight ( )
ww=this.workspacewidth ( )

if ( handle (lpop) > 0 ) then
    move(lpop,wx+ww - lpop.width - 15,wy+wh - lpop.height - 22)

end if


// Open event for w_popup
sle_time.weight = 300

//Timer event for w_popup
Time t
sle_time.hide ( )       //hide the sle


sle_time.show ( )       //re-show the sle

Pourquoi ne puis-je vivre comme n'importe quel être humain ? Pourquoi mon destin est-il de ne pouvoir cesser de me battre ?

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#3 30-05-2007 11:00:38

Builder Power
Award: bf
Lieu: 75019 paris
Date d'inscription: 21-05-2007
Messages: 1724
Pépites: 496,453,703,213
Banque: 9,223,372,036,854,776,000

Re: [RESOLU] MicroHelp

Merci Mais
Je viends de le faire c'est pas genial ... c'est vraiment du bricolage ....

Face à l'agression, la puissance de l'intelligence

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#4 30-05-2007 11:21:25

N2iGeek + MangasGeek = foon
Award: bf
Lieu: Bonchamp-Lès-Laval
Date d'inscription: 28-02-2007
Messages: 2491
Pépites: 100
Banque: 9,223,372,036,854,776,000

Re: [RESOLU] MicroHelp

Il reste la solution de créer une microhelp spécifique, mais c'est beaucoup de boulot et il faut obligatoirement la raccorder à l'objet ancêtre de ta mdihelp (C'est ce qui a été fait chez mon client: ils ont un framework spécifique avec ce genre de "joujou")

Seuls ceux qui ne font rien ne font jamais d'erreurs

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#5 22-11-2007 13:17:40

Builder Power
Award: bf
Lieu: 75019 paris
Date d'inscription: 21-05-2007
Messages: 1724
Pépites: 496,453,703,213
Banque: 9,223,372,036,854,776,000

Re: [RESOLU] MicroHelp

J'ai trouvé cela
Et cela marche super bien

Face à l'agression, la puissance de l'intelligence

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#6 23-11-2007 10:25:49

Builder Power
Award: bf
Lieu: 75019 paris
Date d'inscription: 21-05-2007
Messages: 1724
Pépites: 496,453,703,213
Banque: 9,223,372,036,854,776,000

Re: [RESOLU] MicroHelp

voici le code en pb10
fenetre : w_statusbar

Code: pb

global type w_statusbar from window
end type
type st_message_border from statictext within w_statusbar
end type
type st_date_border from statictext within w_statusbar
end type
type st_time_border from statictext within w_statusbar
end type
type ln_far_left from line within w_statusbar
end type
type st_time from statictext within w_statusbar
end type
type st_date from statictext within w_statusbar
end type
type st_message from statictext within w_statusbar
end type
end forward

global type w_statusbar from window
integer width = 905
integer height = 72
boolean border = false
windowtype windowtype = child!
long backcolor = 79741120
st_message_border st_message_border
st_date_border st_date_border
st_time_border st_time_border
ln_far_left ln_far_left
st_time st_time
st_date st_date
st_message st_message
end type
global w_statusbar w_statusbar

type prototypes
Function integer GetClassName ( &
  ulong hWind, &
  Ref string name, &
  int cbmax &
  ) Library "user32.dll" Alias For "GetClassNameW"

Function ulong GetWindow ( &
  ulong hWind, &
  uint fuRel &
  ) Library "user32.dll"

Function ulong SetParent ( &
  ulong hChild, &
  ulong hParent &
  ) Library "user32.dll"

end prototypes

type variables
window      iw_frame 

String is_classname
Integer ii_width
Long  il_temps_connection
end variables

forward prototypes
public subroutine wf_set_message (string as_msg)
public subroutine wf_reposition ()
public subroutine wf_setparent ()
end prototypes

public subroutine wf_set_message (string as_msg);//// set message
//st_message.text = " " + Trim(as_msg)
//// update date/time
//this.Event Timer()

end subroutine

public subroutine wf_reposition ();Integer li_share

// if the window would be more than 2/3
// of width hide it off to the right
li_share = (iw_frame.width / 3) * 2
If this.ii_width > li_share Then
  this.x = iw_frame.width
  If iw_frame.WindowState = Maximized! Then
    this.x = iw_frame.width - ii_width - 25
    this.x = iw_frame.width - ii_width - 90
  End If
End If
this.y = 5

// update date/time
//this.Event Timer()

end subroutine

public subroutine wf_setparent ();String ls_name
ULong lul_hwnd
Integer li_rc

// find the microhelp handle
lul_hwnd = GetWindow(Handle(iw_frame), 5)
DO UNTIL lul_hwnd = 0
  ls_name = Space(25)
  li_rc = GetClassName(lul_hwnd, ls_name, Len(ls_name))
  If ls_name = is_classname Then
    lul_hwnd = SetParent(Handle(this), lul_hwnd)
    lul_hwnd = 0
    lul_hwnd = GetWindow(lul_hwnd, 2)
  End If

end subroutine

on w_statusbar.create
this.st_message_border=create st_message_border
this.st_date_border=create st_date_border
this.st_time_border=create st_time_border
this.ln_far_left=create ln_far_left
this.st_time=create st_time
this.st_date=create st_date
this.st_message=create st_message
end on

on w_statusbar.destroy
end on

event open;boolean   lb_find

iw_frame = This.ParentWindow()
Do While (Not IsNull(iw_frame)) And (Not lb_find)
  If Not iw_frame.WindowType = MdiHelp! Then 
    iw_frame = iw_frame.ParentWindow()
    lb_find = True
  End If
If Not lb_find Then 

  Environment le_env
  il_temps_connection = 0
  // determine position of window within microhelp bar
  ii_width = st_time.x + st_time.width + 25
  this.width = ii_width
//   set object class name
  If le_env.PBMajorRevision = 10 And &
    le_env.PBMinorRevision = 5 Then
    // PowerBuilder 10.5
    is_classname = "FNHELP105"
    is_classname = "FNHELP" + &
      String(le_env.PBMajorRevision * 10)
  End If
  // set parenthood
  // position the window
  // initiate timer
End if

end event

event timer;// set current time
st_time.text = String(Now(), "hh:mm:ss")

// set current date
st_date.text = String(Today(), "dd/mm/yyyy")
il_temps_connection = il_temps_connection +1
st_message.text = string(truncate(il_temps_connection/60,0),'00')  +' : ' + string(mod(il_temps_connection,60),'00')

end event

type st_message_border from statictext within w_statusbar
integer x = 14
integer y = 4
integer width = 297
integer height = 64
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "MS Sans Serif"
long textcolor = 33554432
long backcolor = 67108864
boolean enabled = false
boolean border = true
borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered!
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type

type st_date_border from statictext within w_statusbar
integer x = 320
integer y = 4
integer width = 311
integer height = 64
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "MS Sans Serif"
long textcolor = 33554432
long backcolor = 67108864
boolean enabled = false
boolean border = true
borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered!
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type

type st_time_border from statictext within w_statusbar
integer x = 635
integer y = 4
integer width = 256
integer height = 64
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "MS Sans Serif"
long textcolor = 33554432
long backcolor = 67108864
boolean enabled = false
boolean border = true
borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered!
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type

type ln_far_left from line within w_statusbar
long linecolor = 16777215
integer linethickness = 4
integer beginy = 4
integer endy = 68
end type

type st_time from statictext within w_statusbar
integer x = 640
integer y = 8
integer width = 242
integer height = 56
boolean bringtotop = true
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "MS Sans Serif"
long backcolor = 79741120
alignment alignment = center!
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type

type st_date from statictext within w_statusbar
integer x = 325
integer y = 8
integer width = 302
integer height = 56
boolean bringtotop = true
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "MS Sans Serif"
long backcolor = 79741120
alignment alignment = center!
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type

type st_message from statictext within w_statusbar
integer x = 18
integer y = 8
integer width = 283
integer height = 56
boolean bringtotop = true
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "MS Sans Serif"
long backcolor = 79741120
alignment alignment = right!
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type

puis mettre dans la mdi
dans le close

Code: pb

// close status bar
If IsValid(w_statusbar) Then
End If

dans l'open

Code: pb

// open status bar

dans le resize

Code: pb

// notify status bar of resize
If IsValid(w_statusbar) Then
End If

Face à l'agression, la puissance de l'intelligence

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