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#1 25-10-2007 08:56:01

Membre Power Geek
Date d'inscription: 04-10-2006
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[RESOLU] Recherche la position d'un caractère


J'ai une chaine de caractère. Je voudrais trouver la ou les position(s) d'un carcatère précis.
Quelle est la fonction ?

Exemple :
chaine de caractere = "coucou, c'est moi"
je voudrais trouver la position de la virgule = 6

Dernière modification par bdf94 (25-10-2007 09:22:55)

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#2 25-10-2007 09:00:04

pick ouic  
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Re: [RESOLU] Recherche la position d'un caractère

la fonction  POS

Connaitre son ignorance est une grande part de la connaissance.

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#3 25-10-2007 09:23:21

Builder Power
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Re: [RESOLU] Recherche la position d'un caractère

pick ouic a écrit:

la fonction  POS

Pos ou PosA


Temporarily converts a string from Unicode to DBCS based on the current locale, then finds one string within another string.


PosA (string1, string2, {start})

Argument    Description
string1    The string in which you want to find string2.
string2    The string you want to find in string1.
(optional)    A long indicating the position in string1 where the search will begin. The position is indicated by the number of bytes you specify for this argument. The default is 1.
Return value

Long. Returns a long whose value is the starting position of the first occurrence of string2 in string1 after the position in bytes specified by start. If string2 is not found in string1 or if start is not within string1, PosA returns 0. If any argument's value is null, PosA returns null.


PosA replaces the functionality that Pos had in DBCS environments in PowerBuilder 9. In SBCS environments, Pos, PosW, and PosA return the same results.

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