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#1 14-11-2012 10:33:43

Membre Power Geek
Lieu: Avon (Seine et Marne)
Date d'inscription: 19-02-2007
Messages: 252
Pépites: 985
Banque: 0
Site web

[RESOLU] Calendrier sous APPEON

Sous APPEON le drop down calendar ne fonctionne pas.

J'ai essayé de récupérer le code du topic : (
mais il manque la définition de u_month_list
tel qu'il est utilisé dans le code

Code: pb

type lb_months from u_months_list within u_hepek_calendar
end type

Quelqu'un a cette défiintion ?

Dernière modification par Dadone (14-11-2012 11:43:35)

Hors ligne


#2 14-11-2012 11:22:09

Lieu: Babylone
Date d'inscription: 23-11-2006
Messages: 5121
Pépites: 97,197
Banque: 2,147,483,647

Re: [RESOLU] Calendrier sous APPEON

Bonjour, j'ai récupéré l'objet et il n'y a pas lb_months dans le code :

Code: pb

global type u_hepek_calendar from UserObject
end type
type em_time from editmask within u_hepek_calendar
end type
type cb_next_month from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
end type
type cb_next_year from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
end type
type cb_prev_month from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
end type
type cb_prev_year from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
end type
type dw_calendar from datawindow within u_hepek_calendar
end type
end forward

global type u_hepek_calendar from UserObject
int Width=672
int Height=716
long BackColor=79741120
long PictureMaskColor=553648127
long TabTextColor=33554432
long TabBackColor=79741120
event hpk_lose_focus ( )
em_time em_time
cb_next_month cb_next_month
cb_next_year cb_next_year
cb_prev_month cb_prev_month
cb_prev_year cb_prev_year
dw_calendar dw_calendar
end type
global u_hepek_calendar u_hepek_calendar

type prototypes

end prototypes

type variables
Integer       ii_old_column, &
    ii_day, ii_month, ii_year
Date           id_date_selected
Time    it_time_selected
String     is_column
DataWindow   idw
Window    iw_parent
Boolean    ib_help_requested = FALSE

end variables

forward prototypes
public function string of_date_string ()
public function integer of_days_in_month (integer ai_month, integer ai_year)
public subroutine of_enter_day_numbers (integer ai_start_day_num, integer ai_days_in_month)
public function integer of_get_month_number (string as_month)
public function string of_get_month_string (integer as_month)
public subroutine of_init_calendar (date ad_start_date)
public subroutine of_draw_month (integer ai_year, integer ai_month)
public subroutine of_show_calendar (datawindow adw)
public subroutine of_set_position ()
end prototypes

event hpk_lose_focus;PowerObject lpo_object

// If user asked for Help MessageBox, then do not hide calendar
IF ib_help_requested THEN Return
IF KeyDown(KeyTab!) THEN Return

lpo_object = GetFocus()

// If calendar loses focus then hide it
IF  lpo_object <> control[1] &
AND lpo_object <> control[2] &
AND lpo_object <> control[3] &
AND lpo_object <> control[4] &
AND lpo_object <> control[5] &
AND lpo_object <> control[6] THEN Hide()

end event

public function string of_date_string ();/****************************************************************************************
 \\Ï//  Function :   of_date_string
 (@ @)  Access   :   Public
  (±)    Returns  :   String
 HEPEK  Arguments:  None
Description: Builds the Date using year, month and day
Copyright © 1998 Hepek Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Return String(ii_year) + '/' + String(ii_month) + '/'+ String(ii_day)

end function

public function integer of_days_in_month (integer ai_month, integer ai_year);/****************************************************************************************
 \\Ï//  Function :   of_days_in_month
 (@ @)  Access   :   Public
  (±)    Returns  :   Integer
 HEPEK  Arguments:  None
Description:  Returns number of days in month
Copyright © 1998 Hepek Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Integer  ln_days_in_month
Boolean  lb_leap_year

CHOOSE CASE ai_month
  CASE 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12
    ln_days_in_month = 31
  CASE 4, 6, 9, 11
    ln_days_in_month = 30
  CASE 2
    // Check for leap year
    If IsDate(string(ai_year) + '/2/29') Then
      ln_days_in_month = 29
       ln_days_in_month = 28
    End If

Return ln_days_in_month
end function

public subroutine of_enter_day_numbers (integer ai_start_day_num, integer ai_days_in_month);/****************************************************************************************
 \\Ï//  Function :   of_enter_day_numbers
 (@ @)  Access   :   Public
  (±)    Returns  :   None
 HEPEK  Arguments:  first day in month, month
Description: Draws month in Calendar
Copyright © 1998 Hepek Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Integer  li_count, li_daycount
string  ls_modify, ls_return

// Blank the columns before the first day of the month
FOR li_count = 1 TO ai_start_day_num
  dw_calendar.SetItem(1, li_count,'')

// Set the columns for the days to the String of their Day number
FOR li_count = 1 TO ai_days_in_month
  // Use li_daycount to find which column needs to be set
  li_daycount = ai_start_day_num + li_count - 1
  dw_calendar.SetItem(1, li_daycount, String(li_count))

// Move to next column
li_daycount = li_daycount + 1

// Blank remainder of columns
FOR li_count = li_daycount TO 42
  dw_calendar.SetItem(1, li_count,'')

// If there was an old column turn off the highlight
IF ii_old_column <> 0 THEN
  ls_modify = '#' + string(ii_old_Column) + '.border=6'
  ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_modify)
  IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)
  ls_modify = '#' + string(ii_old_Column) + '.Font.Weight=400'
  ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_Modify)
  IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)

ii_old_column = 0

end subroutine

public function integer of_get_month_number (string as_month);/****************************************************************************************
 \\Ï//  Function :   of_get_+month_number
 (@ @)  Access   :   Public
  (±)    Returns  :   Integer
 HEPEK  Arguments:  Month name (3 Characters)
Description: Returns Number of month in year
Copyright © 1998 Hepek Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Integer li_month_number

CHOOSE CASE as_month
  CASE 'Jan'
    li_month_number = 1
  CASE 'Feb'
    li_month_number = 2
  CASE 'Mar'
    li_month_number = 3
  CASE 'Apr'
    li_month_number = 4
  CASE 'May'
    li_month_number = 5
  CASE 'Jun'
    li_month_number = 6
  CASE 'Jul'
    li_month_number = 7
  CASE 'Aug'
    li_month_number = 8
  CASE 'Sep'
    li_month_number = 9
  CASE 'Oct'
    li_month_number = 10
  CASE 'Nov'
    li_month_number = 11
  CASE 'Dec'
    li_month_number = 12

Return li_month_number
end function

public function string of_get_month_string (integer as_month);/****************************************************************************************
 \\Ï//  Function :   of_get_month_string
 (@ @)  Access   :   Public
  (±)    Returns  :   String
 HEPEK  Arguments:  Month Number
Description: Returns the name of month
Copyright © 1998 Hepek Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

String ls_month

CHOOSE CASE as_month
  CASE 1
    ls_month = 'January'
  CASE 2
    ls_month = 'February'
  CASE 3
    ls_month = 'March'
  CASE 4
    ls_month = 'April'
  CASE 5
    ls_month = 'May'
  CASE 6
    ls_month = 'June'
  CASE 7
    ls_month = 'July'
  CASE 8
    ls_month = 'August'
  CASE 9
    ls_month = 'September'
  CASE 10
    ls_month = 'October'
  CASE 11
    ls_month = 'November'
  CASE 12
    ls_month = 'December'

Return ls_month
end function

public subroutine of_init_calendar (date ad_start_date);/****************************************************************************************
 \\Ï//  Function :   of_init_calendar
 (@ @)  Access   :   Public
  (±)    Returns  :   None
 HEPEK  Arguments:  None
Description: Initiates calendar and set date to current date 
         or date of DataWindow Column if column has value
Copyright © 1998 Hepek Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Integer  li_first_day_number, li_current_cell, li_days_in_month
String   ls_year, ls_modify, ls_return
Date     ld_first_day_in_month

// Set the variables for Day, Month and Year from the date passed to the function                                    */
ii_month = Month(ad_start_date)
ii_year  = Year(ad_start_date)
ii_day   = Day(ad_start_date)

// Find how many days in the relevant month
li_days_in_month = of_days_in_month(ii_month, ii_year)

// Find the date of the first day of this month
ld_first_day_in_month = Date(ii_year, ii_month, 1)

// What day of the week is the first day of the month
li_first_day_number = DayNumber(ld_first_day_in_month)

// Set the starting 'cell' in the datawindow. i.e the column in which
// the first day of the month will be displayed
li_current_cell = li_first_day_number + ii_day - 1

// Set the Title of the calendar with the Month and Year
dw_calendar.Modify("st_year.text   = ~"" + String(ii_year) + "~"")
dw_calendar.Modify("st_month.text = ~""  + of_get_month_string(ii_month) + "~"")

// Enter the numbers of the days
of_enter_day_numbers(li_first_day_number, li_days_in_month)

dw_calendar.SetItem(1, li_current_cell, String(Day(ad_start_date)))

// Display the current day in bold and 3D
ls_modify = '#' + String(li_current_cell) + '.border=5'
ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_modify)
IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)
ls_modify = '#' + String(li_current_cell) + '.Font.Weight=700'
ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_modify)
IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)

// Set the instance variable i_old_column to hold the current cell,
// so when we change it, we know the old setting
ii_old_column = li_current_cell

end subroutine

public subroutine of_draw_month (integer ai_year, integer ai_month);/****************************************************************************************
 \\Ï//  Function :   of_draw_month
 (@ @)  Access   :   Public
  (±)    Returns  :   None
 HEPEK  Arguments:  Year and Month
Description:  Draws month in Calendar
Copyright © 1998 Hepek Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Integer  li_first_day_number, li_cell, li_days_in_month
Date     ld_first_day_in_month
String  ls_modify, ls_return


ii_month = ai_month
ii_year  = ai_year

// Check if the instance day is valid for month/year.
// Back the day down one if invalid for month ie 31 will become 30
DO WHILE Date(ii_year,ii_month,ii_day) = Date(00,1,1)
  ii_day --

// Work out how many days in the month
li_days_in_month = of_days_in_month(ii_month, ii_year)

// Find the date of the first day in the month
ld_first_day_in_month = Date(ii_year, ii_month,1)

// Find what day of the week this is
li_first_day_number = DayNumber(ld_first_day_in_month)

// Set the first cell
li_cell = li_first_day_number + ii_day - 1

// If there was an old column turn off the highlight
IF ii_old_column <> 0 THEN
  ls_modify = '#' + string(ii_old_Column) + '.border=6'
  ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_modify)
  If ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)
  ls_modify = '#' + string(ii_old_Column) + '.Font.Weight=400'
  ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_Modify)
  If ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)

// Set the Title
dw_calendar.Modify("st_year.text   = ~"" + String(ii_year) + "~"")
dw_calendar.Modify("st_month.text = ~""  + of_get_month_string(ii_month) + "~"")


dw_calendar.SetItem(1, li_cell, String(ii_day))

// Highlight the current date
ls_modify = '#' + string(li_cell) + '.border=5'
ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_modify)
IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify',ls_return)
ls_modify = '#' + string(li_cell) + '.Font.Weight=700'
ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_Modify)
IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify',ls_return)

// Set the old column for next time
ii_old_column = li_cell

// Reset the pointer and Redraw

end subroutine

public subroutine of_show_calendar (datawindow adw);/****************************************************************************************
 \\Ï//  Function :   of_show_calendar
 (@ @)  Access   :   Public
  (±)    Returns  :   None
 HEPEK  Arguments:  None
Description: Shows calendar
Copyright © 1998 Hepek Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

String ls_current_data, ls_date, ls_time, ls_col_type, ls_col_format
Date   ld_date
Time   lt_time
Integer li_pos

// Set the instance DW variable
idw = adw

// Reset DataWindow and restore columns borders
dw_calendar.Event hpk_reset()

// Get current field value
ls_current_data = idw.GetText() + ' '
li_pos = Pos(ls_current_data, ' ', 1)
// Determine current column Date and Time if applicable
ls_date = Trim(Left(ls_current_data, li_pos))

// determine column type and hide or show time portion
ls_col_type = Upper(idw.Describe(idw.GetColumnName() + '.ColType'))
IF Match(ls_col_type, 'CHAR') THEN ls_col_type = 'DATE'

// get the column format
ls_col_format = Upper(idw.Describe(idw.GetColumnName() + '.Format'))

IF ls_col_type = 'DATE' THEN
  // do not show time portion of calendar
  // Hide / Show time portion of calendar, depending od format
  IF Match(ls_col_format, 'TIME') OR Match(ls_col_format, 'HH:MM') THEN

// set date and time to null if no current value
IF ls_date = '' OR NOT IsDate(ls_date) THEN
  ld_date = Date(ls_date)

// Set the time spin control
ls_time = Trim(Right(ls_current_data, Len(ls_current_data) - li_pos))
IF ls_time = '' THEN ls_time = String(Now(), 'HH:MM')
em_time.Text = ls_time
it_time_selected = Time(ls_time)

// Set to today if no value in column
IF IsNull(ld_date) THEN ld_date = Today()

// initialize calendar

// position the calendar


end subroutine

public subroutine of_set_position ();Integer li_X, li_Y

li_X = iw_parent.PointerX() - Width + 5
li_Y = iw_parent.PointerY() + 10

// Check if calendar excides frame Width
IF li_X < 0 THEN li_X = li_X + Width
IF li_Y + Height > iw_parent.WorkSpaceHeight() THEN li_Y -= Height

// Move calendar to appropriate coordinates
Move(li_X, li_Y)


BringToTop = TRUE

end subroutine

on u_hepek_calendar.create
this.em_time=create em_time
this.cb_next_month=create cb_next_month
this.cb_next_year=create cb_next_year
this.cb_prev_month=create cb_prev_month
this.cb_prev_year=create cb_prev_year
this.dw_calendar=create dw_calendar
end on

on u_hepek_calendar.destroy
end on

event constructor;Hide()

iw_parent = GetParent()

end event

type em_time from editmask within u_hepek_calendar
event hpk_changing pbm_enchange
event key pbm_keydown
int X=210
int Y=184
int Width=261
int Height=80
int TabOrder=10
string Tag="AXIXD +19"
Alignment Alignment=Center!
BorderStyle BorderStyle=StyleLowered!
string Mask="hh:mm"
MaskDataType MaskDataType=TimeMask!
boolean Spin=true
string DisplayData=""
double Increment=1
long TextColor=33554432
long BackColor=15793151
int TextSize=-8
int Weight=700
string FaceName="MS Sans Serif"
FontFamily FontFamily=Swiss!
FontPitch FontPitch=Variable!
end type

event hpk_changing;it_time_selected = Time(Text)
end event

event key;IF key = KeyControl! THEN
  Return 1

IF key = KeyEscape! THEN 
  dw_calendar.Event key(key, keyflags)
ELSEIF key = KeyEnter! THEN
  dw_calendar.Event key(key, keyflags)
ELSEIF key = KeyTab! THEN
  Return 1
end event

event losefocus;dw_calendar.SetFocus()

Parent.Event hpk_lose_focus()

end event

event getfocus;SelectText(1, 2)
end event

event rbuttondown;Tag = String(Integer(Tag) + 1)

IF Integer(Tag) = 9 THEN 
  Tag = ''
  MessageBox('YVGVB -9 Libraries', 'Copyright © 1998 YVGVB -9 Corporation.~rAll Rights Reserved.')

Return 1

end event

type cb_next_month from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
int X=544
int Y=96
int Width=114
int Height=84
string Text="ð"
int TextSize=-16
int Weight=400
string FaceName="Wingdings"
FontCharSet FontCharSet=Symbol!
FontPitch FontPitch=Variable!
end type

event clicked;// Increment the month number, but if its 13, set back to 1 (January)
ii_month ++

IF ii_month = 13 THEN
  ii_month = 1
  ii_year ++

// check if selected day is no longer valid for new month
IF NOT isdate(of_date_string()) THEN ii_day = 1
// Draw the month
of_draw_month(ii_year, ii_month)

id_date_selected = date(ii_year,ii_month,ii_Day)


end event

event losefocus;Parent.Event hpk_lose_focus()
end event

type cb_next_year from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
int X=544
int Y=12
int Width=114
int Height=84
string Text="ð"
int TextSize=-16
int Weight=400
string FaceName="Wingdings"
FontCharSet FontCharSet=Symbol!
FontPitch FontPitch=Variable!
end type

event clicked;ii_year ++

// check if selected day is no longer valid
IF NOT isdate(of_date_string()) THEN ii_day = 1
// Draw the month
of_draw_month(ii_year, ii_month)

id_date_selected = Date(ii_year,ii_month,ii_Day)


end event

event losefocus;Parent.Event hpk_lose_focus()
end event

type cb_prev_month from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
int X=14
int Y=96
int Width=114
int Height=84
string Text="ï"
int TextSize=-16
int Weight=400
string FaceName="Wingdings"
FontCharSet FontCharSet=Symbol!
FontPitch FontPitch=Variable!
end type

event clicked;// Decrement the month, if 0, set to 12 (December)
ii_month --

IF ii_month = 0 THEN
  ii_month = 12
  ii_year --

// check if selected day is no longer valid for new month
IF NOT isdate(of_date_string()) THEN ii_day = 1

// Draw the month
of_draw_month ( ii_year, ii_month )

id_date_selected = date(ii_year,ii_month,ii_Day)


end event

event losefocus;Parent.Event hpk_lose_focus()
end event

type cb_prev_year from commandbutton within u_hepek_calendar
int X=14
int Y=12
int Width=114
int Height=84
string Text="ï"
int TextSize=-16
int Weight=400
string FaceName="Wingdings"
FontCharSet FontCharSet=Symbol!
FontPitch FontPitch=Variable!
end type

event clicked;ii_year --

// check if selected day is no longer valid
IF NOT isdate(of_date_string()) THEN ii_day = 1
// Draw the month
of_draw_month(ii_year, ii_month)

id_date_selected = Date(ii_year,ii_month,ii_Day)


end event

event losefocus;Parent.Event hpk_lose_focus()
end event

type dw_calendar from datawindow within u_hepek_calendar
event key pbm_dwnkey
event type boolean hpk_set_day ( integer ai_clicked_column )
event hpk_return_date_time ( )
event hpk_reset ( )
int Width=672
int Height=716
int TabOrder=20
string Tag="TQBQW +12"
string DataObject="d_hepek_calendar"
BorderStyle BorderStyle=StyleRaised!
boolean LiveScroll=true
end type

event key;IF key = KeyControl! THEN
  Return 1

IF key = KeyEscape! THEN 
ELSEIF key = KeyEnter! THEN
  // Make shore that old column has some value
  IF Integer(GetItemString(1, ii_old_column)) > 0 THEN
    Event hpk_set_day(ii_old_column)
    Event hpk_return_date_time()
ELSEIF key = KeyLeftArrow! THEN
  IF keyflags = 0 THEN  // Shift not pressed
    // make shore that old column is not first column
    IF ii_old_column > 1 THEN Event hpk_set_day(ii_old_column - 1)
  ELSEIF keyflags = 1 THEN
    // User Pressed Shift key - move to previous month
    cb_prev_month.Event clicked()
ELSEIF key = KeyRightArrow! THEN 
  IF keyflags = 0 THEN  // Shift not pressed
    // make shore that old column is not first column
    IF ii_old_column < 42 THEN Event hpk_set_day(ii_old_column + 1)
  ELSEIF keyflags = 1 THEN
    // User Pressed Shift key - move to next month
    cb_next_month.Event clicked()
ELSEIF key = KeyUpArrow! THEN
  // move to next year
  cb_next_year.Event clicked()
ELSEIF key = KeyDownArrow! THEN
  // move to previous year
  cb_prev_year.Event clicked()
ELSEIF key = KeyTab! THEN

  IF em_time.Visible THEN
    em_time.POST SetFocus()
    POST SetFocus()

  idw.POST SetRedraw(TRUE)
  POST SetRedraw(TRUE)

  Return 1
  // IF Shift is pressed, do not display help
  IF keyflags <> 0 THEN Return
  // Help Keys, first set instance variable to prevent calendar from hiding
  ib_help_requested = TRUE
  Messagebox('Calendar Help Keys', 'Accept Date'     + '~tEnter~r'             + &
                        'Next Day'       + '~t~tRight Arrow~r'       + &
                        'Previous Day'   + '~tLeft Arrow~r'         + &
                        'Next Month'     + '~tShift + Right Arrow~r'   + &
                        'Previous Month'   + '~tShift + Left Arrow~r'   + &
                        'Next Year'     + '~t~tUp Arrow~r'         + &
                        'Previous Year'   + '~tDown Arrow~r'         + &
                        'Cancel'       + '~t~tEscape~r')
  ib_help_requested = FALSE
end event

event hpk_set_day;String ls_day, ls_modify, ls_return

// Set Day to the text of the clicked column. 
ls_day = GetItemString(1, ai_clicked_column)
// Check If user clicked on an empty column
IF ls_day = '' OR IsNull(ls_day) THEN Return FALSE

// Convert to a number and place in Instance variable
ii_day = Integer(ls_day)

// Reset properties for old column back to normal
If ii_old_column <> 0 then
  ls_modify = '#' + String(ii_old_column) + '.border=6'
  ls_return = Modify(ls_modify)
  If ls_return <> '' then MessageBox('Modify',ls_return)
  ls_modify = '#' + string(ii_old_column) + '.Font.Weight=400'
  ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_Modify)
  If ls_return <> '' then MessageBox('Modify',ls_return)
End If

// Highlight chosen day
ls_modify = '#' + String(ai_clicked_column) + '.border=5'
ls_return = Modify(ls_modify)
If ls_return <> '' then MessageBox('Modify',ls_return)
ls_modify = '#' + string(ai_clicked_column) + '.Font.Weight=700'
ls_return = dw_calendar.Modify(ls_Modify)
If ls_return <> '' then MessageBox('Modify',ls_return)

// Set the chosen date
id_date_selected = Date(ii_year, ii_month, ii_day)

ii_old_column = ai_clicked_column

Return TRUE
end event

event hpk_return_date_time;String ls_return

ls_return = String(id_date_selected)

IF em_time.Visible = TRUE THEN
  // add time portion if needed
  ls_return = ls_return + ' ' + String(it_time_selected, 'HH:MM')

// Set the date value in current field and Accept Text

end event

event hpk_reset;Integer   li_cnt
String   ls_modify, ls_return

// Reset the instance variables
ii_day      = 0
ii_month      = 0
ii_year      = 0
ii_old_column  = 0

FOR li_cnt = 1 TO 42
  ls_modify = '#' + string(li_cnt) + '.border=6'
  ls_return = Modify(ls_modify)
  IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)
  ls_modify = '#' + string(li_cnt) + '.Font.Weight=400'
  ls_return = Modify(ls_Modify)
  IF ls_return <> '' THEN MessageBox('Modify', ls_return)
end event

event clicked;Integer  li_clicked_column

// check clicked object
IF dwo.Type <> 'column' THEN Return 1
IF li_clicked_column < 0  THEN Return 1

li_clicked_column = Integer(dwo.ID)

// Set the chossen Date
IF NOT Event hpk_set_day(li_clicked_column) THEN Return

// Set the date value in current field and Accept Text
Event hpk_return_date_time()

end event

event losefocus;Object.DataWindow.Color = 79741120

Parent.Event hpk_lose_focus()

end event

event constructor;//SetRowFocusIndicator(FocusRect!)
end event

event getfocus;Object.DataWindow.Color = 15780518

end event

N'envoyez jamais un humain faire le travail d'un programme.

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#3 14-11-2012 11:42:23

Membre Power Geek
Lieu: Avon (Seine et Marne)
Date d'inscription: 19-02-2007
Messages: 252
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Re: [RESOLU] Calendrier sous APPEON

Effectivement ce n'est pas exactement le même code que dans le topic que j'ai cité.
Celui là j'ai pu le récupérer.
Mon précédent post, celui du click sur la flèche d'un style d'édition  procède de la même  problématique car j'ai récupéré un OCX window qui fait le calendrier mais pour le faire fonctionner il faut cliquer deux fois un dans la zone puis un  e fois sur la flèche, la simulation du click c'est pour éviter le second click...mais comme je n'y arrive pas je vais passer par un autre calendrier..ce sont les joies d'APPEON !


Dernière modification par Dadone (14-11-2012 11:44:39)

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